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Title:Report on the Baseline Reviews of Four Highway/Transit Mega Projects
Date:February 04, 2000
Project ID:TR-2000-043
Summary:This report provides the results of our baseline reviews of four projects identified as "mega" projects. Mega projects are those projects estimated to cost over $1 billion or having congressional interest. The specific objective of this review was to provide information on the current status, estimated cost, funding sources, and completion schedule, as well as to identify outstanding issues that may affect each project. Our baseline reviews are also intended to enable us to perform more timely audits of those projects experiencing cost, financing, or scheduling problems. The four projects reviewed were:

  • Miami (Florida) East-West Multimodal Corridor Project;
  • Gowanus (New York) Expressway Project;
  • California State Route 210 Project (formerly State Route 30); and
  • Monongahela/Fayette (Mon/Fayette) Expressway Project in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
  • Full document: PDF PDF document

    Related Information: OIG