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Title:Follow-up Audit of FMCSA’s Implementation of NAFTA’s Cross-Border Trucking Provisions
Date:May 16, 2003
Project ID:MH-2003-041
Summary:Our audit found that FMCSA has substantially completed the actions necessary to meet the FY 2002 Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act requirements to hire and train inspectors, to establish inspection facilities, and to develop safety processes and procedures for Mexican long-haul motor carriers. However, State enforcement personnel need to be able to place Mexican carriers operating without authority out of service, but some States have not yet adopted FMCSA’s rule authorizing their enforcement personnel to take action when they encounter a vehicle operating without authority. We recommended that FMCSA: (1) use border safety auditors and investigators to conduct safety audits for implementation of the new entrant program, as appropriate; (2) monitor dedicated inspection, out of service, and office spaces at commercial crossings and work with GSA to ensure executed agreements and leases are implemented; (3) include in the reevaluation of resource requirements at the U.S.-Mexico border, an assessment of the crossings where passenger buses are expected to enter the United States; and (4) include procedures and practices in refresher training modules to ensure that Federal and State inspectors are knowledgeable of FMCSA’s policies and procedures for Mexican long-haul trucks and buses.
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