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e-CFR Data is current as of November 3, 2008

Title 15: Commerce and Foreign Trade

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Section Contents
§ 241.1   Capacities.
§ 241.2   Legal standard barrels.
§ 241.3   Application of tolerance for “distance between heads.”
§ 241.4   Application of tolerance for “diameter of head.”
§ 241.5   Standard dimensions.
§ 241.6   Classes of barrels for tolerance application.
§ 241.7   Tolerances to be allowed.

Authority:   Sec. 3, 38 Stat. 1187; 15 U.S.C. 236.

Source:   13 FR 8373, Dec. 28, 1948, unless otherwise noted.

Note: The rules and regulations in this part refer entirely to individual barrels, and no separate tolerance has been placed on the average content of a number of barrels taken at random from a shipment. It is not believed that barrels can be so made as to take advantage of the tolerances, and, of course, no attempt should be made to do this. It is, therefore, expected that as many barrels will be above as below the standard capacity.

§ 241.1   Capacities.

(a) The capacities of the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities, other than cranberries, and its subdivisions, are as follows:

SizeCubic inchesBushels1Quarts1
3/4 barrel5,2922.4678 3/4
1/2 barrel3,5281.64152 1/2
1/3 barrel2,3521.09435  

1Struck measure.

(b) The capacities of the standard cranberry barrel and its subdivisions are as follows:

SizeCubic inchesBushels1Quarts1
Cranberry barrel5,8262.70986 45/64
3/4 cranberry barrel4,369.52.03265 1/64
1/2 cranberry barrel2,9131.35543 11/32
1/3 cranberry barrel1,942.90328 29/32

1Struck measure.

(Sec. 1, 38 Stat. 1186; 15 U.S.C. 234)

§ 241.2   Legal standard barrels.

(a) Any barrel having the dimensions specified for a standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities, other than cranberries, in section 1 of the standard-barrel law, or any barrel or a subdivision thereof having the contents specified in section 1 of the standard-barrel law and in §241.1(a) regardless of its form or dimensions, is a legal standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, or other dry commodities other than cranberries, or a legal subdivision thereof. No other barrel or subdivision in barrel form is a legal container for fruits, vegetables, or other dry commodities other than cranberries.

(b) Any barrel having the dimensions specified for a standard barrel for cranberries in section 1 of the standard-barrel law, or any subdivision thereof having the contents specified in §241.1(b), regardless of its form or dimensions, is a legal standard barrel for cranberries or a legal subdivision thereof. No other barrel or subdivision in barrel form is a legal container for cranberries.

(Sec. 1, 38 Stat. 1186; 15 U.S.C. 234)

§ 241.3   Application of tolerance for “distance between heads.”

The tolerance established in this part for the dimension specified as “distance between heads” shall be applied as follows on the various types of barrels in use:

(a) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has two heads, the tolerance shall be applied to the distance between the inside surfaces of the heads and perpendicular to them.

(b) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has but one head and a croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head, such as an inside hoop, etc., at the opposite end, the tolerance shall be applied to the distance from the inside surface of the bottom head and perpendicular to it to the inside edge of the croze ring, or to a point where the inside surface of a head would come were such head inserted in the barrel.

(c) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has but one head and no croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head, such as an inside hoop, etc., at the opposite end, the tolerance shall be applied to the distance from the inside surface of the bottom head and perpendicular to it to a point 11/8inches from the opposite end of the staves in the case of a barrel or a3/4barrel, and to a point 1 inch or7/8inch from the opposite end of the staves in the case of the1/2barrel and1/3barrel, respectively. When a barrel or subdivision thereof has been manufactured with but one head and no croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head at the opposite end, and it is desired to insert a second head, the croze ring shall be so cut that the inside edge shall not be more than 11/8inches from the end of the staves in the case of a barrel or3/4barrel or not more than 1 inch or7/8inch from the end of the staves in the case of the1/2barrel and1/3barrel, respectively, or the other means shall be so adjusted that the inside surface of the head when inserted shall not exceed these distances from the end of the staves.

§ 241.4   Application of tolerance for “diameter of head.”

(a) The tolerance established in this part for the dimension specified as “diameter of head” shall be applied to the diameter of the head over all, including the part which fits into the croze ring of the completed barrel.

(b) The tolerance established in this part for the dimension specified as “effective diameter of head” shall be applied as follows on the various types of barrels and subdivisions in use;

(1) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has two heads, the tolerance shall be applied to the mean of the average diameters from inside to inside of staves at the inner edges of the heads.

(2) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has but one head and a croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head at the opposite end, the tolerance shall be applied to the mean of the average diameters, one taken from inside to inside of staves at the inner edge of the head, the other from inside to inside of staves at the inner edge of the croze ring, or from inside to inside of staves at a point where the inside surface of a head would come were such head inserted in the barrel.

(3) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has but one head and no croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head at the opposite end, the tolerance shall be applied to the mean of the average diameters, one taken from inside to inside of staves at the inner edge of the head, the other taken from inside to inside of staves at a point 11/8inches from the end of the staves in the case of a barrel or3/4barrel, or at a point 1 inch or7/8inch from the end of the staves in the case of a1/2barrel or1/3barrel, respectively.

(c) The standard allowance for depth of croze ring shall be3/16inch. Therefore, the standard “effective diameter of head” in the case of the standard barrel is 163/4inches and in the case of the standard cranberry barrel is 157/8inches.

§ 241.5   Standard dimensions.

Whenever in the rules and regulations in this part the error on a dimension is mentioned, this error shall be determined by taking the difference between the actual measured dimension and the standard dimension. The error is an error in excess and is to be preceded by a plus sign when the measured dimension is greater than the standard dimension. The error is an error in deficiency and is to be preceded by a minus sign when the measured dimension is less than the standard dimension.

(a) The standard dimensions of a barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries, and of a barrel for cranberries, with which the actual measured dimensions are to be compared, are as follows:

DimensionsBarrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries (inches)Barrel for cranberries (inches)
Diameter of head17 1/816 1/4
Effective diameter of head (see §241.4)16 3/415 7/8
Distance between heads26  25 1/4
Circumference of bulge, outside measurement64  58 1/2
Length of stave28 1/228 1/2

(b) In the case of all subdivisions of the barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries, and all subdivisions of the barrel for cranberries, the following dimensions are hereby standardized for the purpose of the application of tolerances, and the actual measured dimensions are to be compared with these:

Subdivisions of Barrel for Fruits, Vegetables, and Other Dry Commodities Other Than Cranberries

Dimensions3/4 barrel (inches)1/2 barrel (inches)1/3 barrel (inches)
Effective diameter of head (see §241.4)15 1/413 3/811 5/8
Distance between heads23 1/220 1/218  
Circumference of bulge, outside measurement58 1/251 1/245 1/4
Subdivisions of Barrel for Cranberries
Effective diameter of head (see §241.4)14 3/812 5/811  
Distance between heads23  20  17 1/2
Circumference of bulge, outside measurement53 3/847  41 3/8

(Sec. 1, 38 Stat. 1186; 15 U.S.C. 234)

§ 241.6   Classes of barrels for tolerance application.

For the purpose of the application of tolerances, barrels for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries, are hereby divided into two classes as follows:

(a) Class 1 shall include (1) all barrels no dimension of which is in error by more than the following amounts, and (2) all barrels one or more of the dimensions of which are in error by more than the following amounts, and which in addition have no dimension in error in the opposite direction:

  Error, inches
Effective diameter of head1/4
Distance between heads1/4
Circumference of bulge, outside measurement1 1/2

(b) Class 2 shall include all barrels at least one dimension of which is in error by more than the amounts given above, but which in addition have at least one dimension in error in the opposite direction. (This class includes all barrels mentioned in section 1 of the law in the proviso reading: “Provided, That any barrel of a different form having a capacity of seven thousand and fifty-six cubic inches shall be a standard barrel.”)

(Sec. 1, 38 Stat. 1186; 15 U.S.C. 234)

§ 241.7   Tolerances to be allowed.

(a) The tolerances to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on the dimensions of all barrels of Class 1 shall be as follows:

  Tolerance inches
Diameter of head1/4
Effective diameter of head1/4
Distance between heads1/4
Circumference of bulge, outside measurement1 1/2
Length of stave1/2

(1) If no dimension of a barrel of Class 1 is in error by more than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed.

(2) If one or more of the dimensions of a barrel of Class 1 is in error by more than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed.

(b) The tolerance to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on all barrels of Class 2 shall be 11/2inches (1.5) inches, and this tolerance is to be applied to the result obtained by the application of the following rule:

(1) Having determined the errors of each dimension and given to each its proper sign (see §241.4), add the errors on the effective diameter of head and the distance between heads algebraically and multiply the result by 1.67 (or5/3). Then add this result to the error on the circumference of bulge algebraically. If the result obtained is not greater than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed; if the result is greater than this tolerance, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed.

Note: To find the algebraic sum of a number of quantities having different signs, first add all those having one sign; then add all those having the opposite sign; then subtract the smaller sum from the larger, giving this result the sign of the larger quantity.

(2) [Reserved]

(c) The tolerance to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on the dimensions of all barrels for cranberries shall be as follows:

  Tolerance, inches
Diameter of head1/4
Effective diameter of head1/4
Distance between heads1/4
Circumference of bulge, outside measurement1 3/8
Length of stave1/2

(1) If no dimension of a barrel for cranberries is in error by more than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed.

(2) If one or more of the dimensions of a barrel for cranberries is in error by more than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed.

(d) The tolerances to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on all subdivisions of the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries, and on all subdivisions of the standard barrel for cranberries, shall be the values given in the following table, and these tolerances are to be applied to the result obtained by the application of the following rule:

(1) Having determined the errors on each dimension and given to each its proper sign (see §241.5), add the errors on the effective diameter of head and the distance between heads algebraically and multiply the result by 1.67 (or5/3). Then add this result to the error on the circumference of bulge algebraically. If the result obtained is not greater than the tolerance given in the following table for the proper subdivision, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed; if the result is greater than this tolerance, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed.

Size of subdivisionTolerance
For fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities (inches)For cranberries (inches)
3/4 barrel1 3/8 (1.375)1 1/4 (1.25)
1/2 barrel1 1/4 (1.25)1 1/8 (1.125)
1/3 barrel1 1/8 (1.125)1 (1.00)


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August 1, 2007
