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ODEP News Release: [06/06/2003]
Contact Name: Michael Volpe
Phone Number: (202) 693-7880

Department of Labor Announces Grant Solicitations Totaling $4.3 Million for Customized Grants, High School/High Tech

WASHINGTON—Two solicitations for Customized Grants and High School/High Tech (HS/HT) Development and Implementation Grants were published in the June 6, 2003 Federal Register by the Office of Disability Employment Policy, Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao announced today.

ODEP is making available $2.5 million to award up to five competitive Customized Grants, ranging from approximately $500,000 to $750,000, for strategic planning and implementation activities designed to improve the employment and career advancement of people with disabilities. The goal of these grants is to build the capacity in local One-Stop Centers to provide customized employment services to persons with disabilities who may not now be regularly targeted for services by the One-Stops, and to allow review of policies and introduction of new and innovative practices.

In addition, ODEP is making $1.8 million available to award up to eight competitive Implementation and Development Grants, in the amount of approximately $225,000, to assist in implementing the HS/HT program on a statewide basis. HS/HT is a career development program designed to provide high school-age youth with disabilities an opportunity to explore careers in science, mathematics and technology or gain further education that may lead to technology-related careers. Application and eligibility information for each grant is posted in the Federal Register notice, which can also be accessed through

“These grants directly support the goals of President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative of bringing persons with disabilities into the 21st Century workforce,” said Secretary Chao.

ODEP’s Assistant Secretary of Labor, Roy Grizzard, whose agency administers the grants added, “These grants will continue our efforts to develop model programs and innovative approaches to promote increased employment of people with disabilities.”

ODEP also announced the availability of a new, free “High School/High Tech Program Manual,” which will assist sites in incorporating transition design features into their programs. The manual has four design features: preparatory experiences, connecting activities, work-based experiences, and youth development and leadership activities. These design features are supported by evidence-based research regarding what youth with disabilities need to succeed in adulthood. The manual is also available from ODEP’s web site by accessing the “Programs” link.

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