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Asthma Indices Associated with Ambient Submicron Particles and Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Pollution

EPA Grant Number: R825275
Title: Asthma Indices Associated with Ambient Submicron Particles and Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Pollution
Investigators: Fennelly, Kevin P.
Current Investigators: Fennelly, Kevin P. , Anderson, Larry G. , Bartelson, Becki
Institution: National Jewish Medical and Research Center
EPA Project Officer: Katz, Stacey , Robarge, Gail
Project Period: December 1, 1996 through November 30, 1997
Project Amount: $178,865
RFA: Air Quality (1996)
Research Category: Air Quality and Air Toxics


Recent epidemiological studies have found an association between particulate air pollution and cardiopulmonary health effects, including increased asthma symptoms. There have been anecdotal reports of increased asthma symptoms associated with the use of oxygenated fuels, which are associated with increased emissions of aldehydes by motor vehicles. However, the biological mechanisms underlying these reported health effects are unknown. The purpose of this study is to test the hypotheses that indices of asthma are associated with ambient submicron particle counts and with ambient formaldehyde concentrations. This will be a prospective time-series study of the association between daily air pollutant concentrations and and daily symptom scores, medication use, and changes in lung function in a cohort of 60 young adults in downtown Denver, Colorado. The association between changes in asthma indices and baseline bronchial hyper-responsiveness will also be determined. The results will help determine the size fraction of particles which are most highly associated with changes of asthma indices, and may support an osmotic mechanism to explain worsening of asthma associated with particulate air pollution. Similarly, the results will help to clarify whether ambient aldehyde concentrations are associated with worsening of asthma.

Publications and Presentations:

Publications have been submitted on this project: View all 2 publications for this project

Supplemental Keywords:

air, ambient air, atmosphere, ozone, tropospheric, effects, health effects, sensitive populations, particulates, oxidants, epidemiology, Central, Colorado, CO, Region 8. , Air, Geographic Area, Scientific Discipline, Health, RFA, Risk Assessments, Epidemiology, air toxics, Atmospheric Sciences, EPA Region, particulate matter, Allergens/Asthma, mobile sources, State, tropospheric ozone, aerosols, oxidants, asthma indices, exposure and effects, Acute health effects, ambient air quality, cardiovascular vulnerability, coronary artery disease, inhalation, lungs, urban air, ambient air, cardiopulmonary mechanisms, cardiotoxicity, cardiopulmonary responses, lung inflammation, air quality models, chronic health effects, human health effects, particulates, respiratory, Region 8, air pollution, airborne pollutants, atmospheric chemistry, inhaled, exposure, aldehyde emissions, motor vehicle emissions, atmospheric transport, human exposure, particle size, Colorado (CO), airway inflammation

Progress and Final Reports:
Final Report

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