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EAGLES - Atlantic Slope Consortium

Grant Number R828684

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  • Book Chapter (5)
  • Journal Article (28)
  • Report (2)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Book Chapter Bergstrom JC, Goetz SJ, Shortle JS. Land Use Problems and Conflicts. Routlegde, New York, NY. 2006: R828684C004 (Final)
    not available
    Book Chapter Biber PD, Paerl HW, Gallegos CL, Kenworthy WJ, Fonseca MS. Evaluating indicators of seagrass stress to light limitation in North Carolina. In: Bortone SA, ed. Estuarine Indicators. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 2004, Ch.13, 193-210. R828677C004 (2004)
    R828677C004 (Final)
    R828684 (Final)
    R828684C002 (2003)
    not available
    Book Chapter

    Bilkovic DM, Hershner CH, Berman MR, Havens KH, et al. Evaluating nearshore communities as indicators of ecosystem health. In: Bortone S, ed. Estuarine Indicators. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 2005, Ch. 23, p. 365-380.

    R828684C001 (2003)
    R828684C001 (2004)
    R828684C001 (Final)
    not available
    Book Chapter Marshall E, Shortle J. Urban development impacts on ecosystems. In: Goetz S, Shortle J, Bergstrom J, eds. Land Use Problems and Conflicts. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing, 2004. R828684 (Final)
    R828684C004 (2003)
    not available
    Book Chapter Patil GP, Brooks RP, Myers WL, Taillie C. Multiscale advanced raster map analysis system for measuring ecosystem health at the landscape scale: a novel synergistic consortium initiative. In: Rapport D, Lasley W, Rolston D, Nielsen O, Qualset C, Damania A, eds. Managing for Healthy Ecosystems. CRC Press/Lewis Publishing, 2002, pp. 567-576. R828684 (2002)
    R828684 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Baker ME, Weller DE, Jordan TE. Mapping watershed boundaries using digital elevation data: some implications for aquatic assessment. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (in preparation, 2004b). R828684C003 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Baker ME, Weller DE, Jordan TE. Stream map resolution in measures of riparian character: implications for statistical models of nutrient discharge. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (in preparation, 2004c). R828684C003 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Baker ME, Weller DE, Jordan TE. Comparison of automated watershed delineations: effects on land cover areas, percentages, and relationships to nutrient discharge. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 2006;72(2):159-168. R828684C003 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Borisova T, Shortle JS, Horan RD, Abler DG. The value of information for water quality protection. Water Resources Research 2005;41(6):W06004. R828684C004 (2003)
    R828684C004 (2004)
    R828684C004 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article DeLuca WV, King RS, Marra PP, Studds CE. Factors influencing waterbird communities of the Chesapeake Bay, USA. Estuaries or Waterbirds (in preparation, 2004). R828684C001 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article

    DeLuca WV, Studds CE, Rockwood LL, Marra PP. Influence of land use on the integrity of marsh bird communities of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Wetlands 2004;24(4):837-847.

    R828684C001 (2004)
    R828684C001 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article DeLuca WV, Studds CE, Marra PP. Land use effects on breeding marsh passerines. Journal of Field Ornithology (submitted, 2004). R828684C001 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Gallegos CL. An optically based indicator of habitat suitability for submerged aquatic vegetation. Estuaries (submitted, 2004). R828684C002 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Gallegos CL, Biber PD. Diagnostic tool help set water quality targets for restoring submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay. Ecological Restoration 2004;22(4):1441-1451 R828677C004 (2004)
    R828684C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Gallegos CL, Jordan TE, Hines AH, Weller DE. Temporal variability of optical properties in a shallow, eutrophic estuary: seasonal and interannual variability. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2005;64(2-3):156-170. R828684 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Horan RD, Shortle JS, Abler DG. The coordination and design of point–nonpoint trading programs and agri-environmental policies. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 2004;33(1):61-78. R828684 (Final)
    R828684C004 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Horan R, Shortle J. When two wrongs make a right: second-best point–nonpoint trading ratios. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2005;87(2):340-352. R828684 (Final)
    R828684C004 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article King RS, Richardson CJ. Integrating bioassessment and ecological risk assessment: an approach to developing numerical water-quality criteria. Environmental Management 2003;31(6):795-809. R828684 (2002)
    R828684C001 (2002)
    R828684C001 (Final)
    R828684C003 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article King RS, Baker ME, Whigham DF, Weller DE, Jordan TE, Hurd MK, Kazyak PF. Land-use thresholds and stream macroinvertebrate assemblages: influence of physiography, watershed size, and spatial arrangement. Journal of the North American Benthological Society or Ecological Applications (in preparation, 2004). R828684C003 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article

    King RS, Hines AH, Craige FD, Grap S. Regional, watershed, and local correlates of blue crab and bivalve abundances in subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2005;319(1-2):101-116

    R828684C001 (2003)
    R828684C001 (2004)
    R828684C001 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article King RS, Whigham DF. Watershed land use influences nutrient concentrations of Phragmites australis leaves in subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay. Wetlands (submitted, 2004). R828684C001 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article

    King RS, Beaman JR, Whigham DF, Hines AH, et al. Watershed land use is strongly linked to PCBs in white perch in Chesapeake Bay subestuaries. Environmental Science & Technology 2004;38(24):6546-6552.

    R828684C001 (2004)
    R828684C001 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article King RS, Baker ME, Whigham DF, Weller DE, Jordan TE, Hurd MK, Kazyak PF. Spatial considerations for linking watershed land cover to ecological indicators in streams. Ecological Applications 2005;15(1):137-153. R828684 (2002)
    R828684C001 (2004)
    R828684C001 (Final)
    R828684C003 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Marshall E, Cai Y, Shortle J. The efficiency of quality of life provision in the Mid-Atlantic states. Agriculture and Resource Economics Review (in review, 2004). R828684C004 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Marshall E, Shortle J. Using DEA and VEA to evaluate quality of life in the mid-Atlantic states. Agriculture and Resource Economics Review 2005;34(2):185-203. R828684C004 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Niemi G, Wardrop D, Brooks R, Anderson S, Brady V, Paerl H , Rakocinski C, Brouwer M, Levinson B, McDonald M. Rationale for a new generation of ecological indicators for coastal waters. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112(9):979-986. R828675 (2004)
    R828675 (Final)
    R828677C001 (Final)
    R828684 (Final)
    R829458C003 (2003)
    R829458C008 (2003)
    R829458C008 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Patil GP, Brooks RP, Myers WL, Rapport DJ, Taillie C. Ecosystem health and its measurement at landscape scale: towards the next generation of quantitative assessments. Ecosystem Health 2001;7(4):307-316. R828684 (2002)
    R828684 (Final)
    R828684C003 (2002)
    not available
    Journal Article Patil GP, Brooks RP, Myers WL, Taillie C, Vraney R, Wardrop DH. Detection and delineation of critical areas using echelons and spatial scan statistics with synoptic cellular data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 2004;11(2):139-164. R828684 (Final)
    R828684C003 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Ranjan R, Marshall L, Shortle J. Optimal renewable resource management in the presence of endogenous risk of invasion. Environmental and Resource Economics (submitted, 2004). R828684C004 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Ranjan R, Marshall L, Shortle J. The relevance of the environmental Kuznets curve under non-linearities: a hysteresis based approach. Environment and Development Economics (submitted, 2004). R828684C004 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article

    Wardrop DH, Bishop JA, Easterling M, Hychka K, et al. Use of landscape and land use parameters for classification and characterization of watersheds in the Mid-Atlantic across five physiographic provinces. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 2005;12(2):209-223.

    R828684C003 (2003)
    R828684C003 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Wardrop DH, Bishop JA, Easterling M, Hychka K, Myers W, Patil GP, Taillie C, Brooks RP. Characterization and classification of watersheds by landscape and land use parameters in five mid-Atlantic physiographic provinces. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 2005;12(2):209-223. R828684 (2002)
    R828684 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article McElfish Jr. JM, Varnell LM. Designing environmental indicators for use in public decisions. Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 2005;31(1) (in press, 2005). R828684C004 (2004)
    R828684C004 (Final)
    not available

    New Indicators of Coastal Ecosystem Condition

    R828684 (2003)
    not available

    New Tools Measure Chesapeake Bay Health

    R828684 (2003)
    not available

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    The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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