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China Local time: 01:11 PM

How to Support Sichuan Earthquake Relief Efforts

After the May 12 earthquake that hit China’s Sichuan province, many American individuals and corporations have expressed their sympathy for the victims. Many want to know more about the effects of the natural disaster as well as the latest developments in how China is handling the adverse situation. Many are also interested to know what assistance the affected areas need and would like to know how they may help in providing such items and/or funding donations.

The US Commercial Service in Beijing contacted the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs Department of Disaster and Social Relief (Ms. Gao 8610 5812-3151) on this regard. We have been told that tents, quilts, food, drinking water, medicine, environmental disinfectants, and baby/infant supplies are in urgent need. But due to the fact that transportation in these affected areas is still very poor as well as logistics difficulty, it is suggested that donations be made in cash. The Ministry of Civil Affairs also suggests that American individuals, companies and associations who wish to make donations should contact the Chinese Embassy in the United States directly.

As of June 12, domestic and foreign donations have reached 44.85 billion yuan in cash and goods, of which 13.97 billion yuan has been forwarded to the quake-hit areas, according to the Information Office of the State Council.

How You Can Help

Trade Opportunities for U.S. Companies in Reconstruction Efforts

As the urgencies of the relief efforts gradually calm down, China faces its next big challenge: reconstruction. Only one month after the earthquake and authorities have already reported nearly 70,000 fatalities, while leaving another 20,000 still missing, 350,000 injured, 5,000 orphaned children, and 15 million homeless (Chengdu Red Cross report). Furthermore, there were 1,803 damaged dams and 10,000 km of damaged telecom landlines. These statistics reflect the need to start reconstructing and rebuilding the earthquake area.

There are many rebuilding projects and opportunities for both foreign and Chinese companies in all industry sectors, including environmental, medical, transportation, infrastructure construction, etc. Particularly, most of the roads in these areas have been damaged and hence a critical need to rebuild the roads. Such rebuilding creates demand for road machinery and equipment such as excavators, bulldozers, road graders, compactors, etc. Local officials at these earthquake sites also report a need for mobile hospitals since the hospitals in Beichuan, Wenchuan, and other affected areas have been severely damaged or destroyed. Medical products such as blood coagulants, antibiotics and immunizations are also urgently needed.

Based on the report from the World Commercial Daily, there are five rebuilding and commercial opportunity areas: engineering machinery, electronic equipment, medical and pharmaceutical products, steel and cement.

Rebuilding Trade Leads

China Earthquake Relief: Rebuilding Schools Sustainably webinar

Pollution Risk Recognition, Assessment and Responding Measures for the Quake Affected Areas in Sichuan

Sichuan Earthquake Relief Project –Chengdu Emergency Rescue Training Institution

The CS China is also looking for American companies who can supply products and services related to disaster relief efforts, rebuilding and recovery. If you would like to be included on this list, please email us your company’s description, products and services and contact information to . We will pass this list on to relevant Chinese authorities and use it for future promotional events.

For a list of American companies who can provide disaster relief & reconstruction products & services, please click here