BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Jordan Local time: 04:55 AM

Welcome to the U.S. Commercial Service Jordan

The U.S. Commercial Service in Jordan is part of a global network of trade specialists dedicated to supporting U.S. commercial interests around the world.

We help U.S. companies by offering comprehensive export promotion assistance to find agents, distributors, representatives and endusers for their products & services in the Jordanian market through a variety of programs and services such as International Partner Search (IPS), International Company Profile (ICP), Gold Key Service (GKS), Video Conferencing and many more.

We help Jordanian companies to find U.S. firms, product and service. If a Jordanian company is looking for trade event in the U.S., We take trade delegations to several trade events in different sectors all around the U.S. If you need further assistance, please contact us

U.S. Embassy - Amman


King and Petra
Petra Inside
Amman at Night