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Geopubs—Online Geologic Publications of the Western United States

Open-File Reports, 2003

Open-File Report 03-6

Principal Facts for Gravity Stations in the Dry Valley Area, West-Central Nevada and East-Central California

By Elizabeth A. Sanger and David A. Ponce


Open-File Report 03-12

Investigation of Linear Magnetic Anomalies in the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley Region, California

By John W. Hillhouse and Robert Morin


Open-File Report 03-13

Cascadia Tsunami Deposit Database

By Robert Peters, Bruce Jaffe, Guy Gelfenbaum, and Curt Peterson


Open-File Report 03-17

Preliminary Soil-Slip Susceptibility Maps, Southwestern California

By D.M. Morton, R.M. Alvarez, and R.H. Campbell


Open-File Report 03-21

Geochemistry of Permian Rocks from the Margins of the Phosphoria Basin: Lakeridge Core, Western Wyoming

By Robert B. Perkins, Brandie McIntyre, James R. Hein, and David Z. Piper


Open-File Report 03-27

Principal Facts for 408 Gravity Stations in the Vicinity of the Talkeetna Mountains, South-Central Alaska

By Robert L. Morin and Jonathan M.G. Glen


Open-File Report 03-35

Geology of Badlands National Park: A Preliminary Report

By Philip W. Stoffer


Open-File Report 03-36

Preliminary Geologic Map of Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska

By C.F. Waythomas, T.P. Miller, and C.J. Nye


Open-File Report 03-52

Alaska Resource Data File, Bettles quadrangle, Alaska

By Joe Britton


Open-File Report 03-53

Alaska Resource Data File, Black River quadrangle, Alaska

By Karen H. Clautice


Open-File Report 03-58

Alaska Resource Data File, Hughes quadrangle, Alaska

By Joe Britton


Open-file Report 03-62

Huntington Beach Shoreline Contamination Investigation, Phase III

By Marlene Noble, Jingping Xu, Leslie Rosenfeld, John Largier, Peter Hamilton, Burt Jones, and George Robertson


Open-File Report 03-66

Spatial Digital Database for the Geologic Map of Nevada

Geology compiled by John H. Stewart and John E. Carlson

Digital database by Gary L. Raines, Katherine A. Connors1, Lorre A. Moyer, and Robert J. Miller


Open-File Report 03-67

Spatial Digital Database for the Geologic Map of Oregon

Geology compiled by George W. Walker and Norman S. MacLeod

Spatial database by Robert J. Miller, Gary L. Raines, and Katherine A. Connors


Open-File Report 03-84

Data Report for the Main Line of the PSINE Seismic Survey Across the San Andreas Fault and SAFOD Site Near Parkfield, California

By R. D. Catchings, M. R. Goldman, M. J. Rymer, G. Gandhok, and G. S. Fuis


Open-File Report 03-85

Nearshore Benthic Habitat GIS for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and Southern California State Fisheries Reserves Volume 1

By Guy R. Cochrane, Nicole M. Nasby, Jane A. Reid, Ben Waltenberger, and Kristen M. Lee


Open-File Report 03-94

Index to the United States Minerals Exploration Assistance Records from the DMA, DMEA, OME Mineral Exploration Programs, 1950-1974

By David G. Frank, John P. Galloway, Judy Weathers, Thor H. Kiilsgaard, and John Wallis


Open-File Report 03-96

Geologic Map of the Valjean Hills 7.5'Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California

By J.P. Calzia and B.W. Troxel


Open-File Report 03-102

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Romoland 7.5' Quadrangle, Riverside County, California

By Douglas M. Morton


Open-File Report 03-103

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Bachelor Mountain 7.5' Quadrangle, Riverside County, California

By Douglas M. Morton and Michael P. Kennedy


Open-File Report 03-105

Preliminary geologic map of the northeast Dillingham quadrangle (D-1, D-2, C-1, and C-2), Alaska

By Frederic H. Wilson, Travis L. Hudson, Donald Grybeck, Douglas B. Stoeser, Cindi C. Preller, Damon Bickerstaff, Keith Labay, and Marti L. Miller


Open-File Report 03-107, v. 1.3 (2007)

Sediment-Hosted Copper Deposits of the World: Deposit Models and Database

By Dennis P. Cox, David A. Lindsey, Donald A. Singer, Barry C. Moring, and Michael F. Diggles


Open-File Report 03-110

Cruise Report for A1-02-SC Southern California CABRILLO project, Earthquake Hazards Task

By William R. Normark, Michael A. Fisher, Christina E. Gutmacher, Ray Sliter, Lori Hibbeler, Beth Feingold, and Jane A. Reid


Open-File Report 03-111

Preliminary Analysis Of Cores From North San Francisco Bay, California

By Dan Allison, Margaret Hampton, and Bruce Jaffe


Open-File Report 03-112

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for
Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska

By Christopher F. Waythomas, Thomas P. Miller, and Christopher J. Nye


Open-File Report 03-113

Preliminary Geologic Map of Kanaga Volcano, Alaska

By T.P. Miller, C.F. Waythomas, and C.J. Nye


Open-File Report 03-118

Methodology and Results for the Assessment of Oil and Gas resources, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska

By John H. Schuenemeyer


Open-File Report 03-120

Bathymetry and selected perspective views of 6 reef and coastal areas in Northern Lake Michigan

By Peter Barnes, Guy Fleisher, James V. Gardner, and Kristen Lee


Open-File Report 03–122

Cruise Summary For P-1-02-SC: Acoustic Imaging Of Natural Oil And Gas Seeps and Measurement of Dissolved Methane Concentration In Coastal Waters Near Pt. Conception, California

By Thomas D. Lorenson, Jennifer A. Dougherty, William Ussler III, and Charles K. Paull


Open-File Report 03-132

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Summary 102; Part I, Seismic Data, January to December 2002

By Jennifer S. Nakata
Chronological Summary by C. Heliker, T. Orr, and R. Hoblitt


Open-File Report 03-135

Geologic database for digital geology of California, Nevada, and Utah—An application of the North American Data Model

By David R. Bedford, Steve Ludington, Constance M. Nutt, Paul A. Stone, David M. Miller, Robert J. Miller, David L. Wagner, and George J. Saucedo


Open-File Report 03-159

Additional information for “TREMOR: A Wireless, MEMS Accelerograph for Dense Arrays” (Evans et al., 2003)

By John R. Evans, Robert H. Hamstra, Jr., Paul Spudich, Christoph Kündig, Patrick Camina, and John A. Rogers


Open-File Report 03-160

Wide-Angle Seismic Recordings from the 2002 Georgia Basin Geohazards Initiative, Northwestern Washington and British Columbia

By Thomas M. Brocher, Thomas L. Pratt, George D. Spence, Michael Riedel, and Roy D. Hyndman


Open-File Report 03-167, version 2.0

Location and Age of Foraminifer Samples Collected by Chevron Petroleum Geologists in California

By Earl E. Brabb and John M. Parker


Open-File Report 03-187

Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results from the Coyote Creek Outdoor Classroom Drill Hole, Santa Clara Valley, California

By Edward A. Mankinen and Carl M. Wentworth


Open-File Report 03-188

Preliminary Geologic Map of the Winchester 7.5’ Quadrangle, Riverside County, California

By Douglas M. Morton


Open-File Report 03-189

Preliminary Geologic Map of the Murrieta 7.5' Quadrangle, Riverside County, California

By Michael P. Kennedy and Douglas M. Morton


Open-File Report 03-190

Diatom Data from Bradley Lake, Oregon: Downcore Analyses

By Eileen Hemphill-Haley and Roger C. Lewis


Open-File Report 03-191

A Compendium of P- and S-Wave Velocities from Surface-to-Borehole Logging: Summary and Reanalysis of Previously Published Data and Analysis of Unpublished Data

By David M. Boore


Open-File Report 03-202

The Sidebar Computer Program: A Seismic-Shaking Intensity Meter

By John R. Evans


Open-File Report 03-203

Preliminary Publications Book 2 from Project on Mineral Resources, Metallogenesis, and Tectonics of Northeast Asia

By Sodov Ariunbileg, Gombosuren Badarch, Valentina Belichenko, and others


Open-File Report 03-204

Preliminary Metallogenic Belt and Mineral Deposit Maps for Northeast Asia

By Sergey M. Rodionov, Alexander A. Obolenskiy, Elimir G. Distanov and others


Open-File Report 03-205

Preliminary Northeast Asia Geodynamics Map

Compiled by Leonid M. Parfenov, Alexander I. Khanchuk, Gombosuren Badarch and others


Open-File Report 03-214

Earthquake Probabilities in the San Francisco Bay Region: 2002–2031

By Working Group On California Earthquake Probabilities


Open-File Report 03-220

Significant Metalliferous and Selected Non-Metalliferous Lode Deposits, and Selected Placer Districts of Northeast Asia

By Sodov Ariunbileg, Gennandiy V. Biryul'kin, Jamba Byamba and others


Open-File Report 03-233

MODFLOW-2000 Ground-Water Model - User Guide to the Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction (SUB) Package

by Jörn Hoffmann, S.A. Leake, D.L. Galloway, and Alica M. Wilson


Open-File Report 03- 236

National Geochronological Database

Revised by Jan Sloan, Christopher D. Henry, Melanie Hopkins, and Steve Ludington
Original database by Robert E. Zartman, Charles A. Bush, and Carl Abston


Open-File Report 03-250

Bed-Sediment Grain-Size and Morphologic Data from Suisun, Grizzly, and Honker Bays, CA, 1998-2002

By Margaret A. Hampton, Noah P. Snyder, John L. Chin, Dan W. Allison, David M. Rubin


Open-File Report 03-251

Chromium geochemistry of serpentinous sediment in the Willow core, Santa Clara County, CA

By Christopher J. Oze, Matthew J. LaForce, Carl M. Wentworth, Randall T. Hanson, Dennis K. Bird, and Robert G. Coleman


Structural Plays in Ellesmerian Sequence and Correlative Strata of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska

By Thomas E. Moore and Christopher J. Potter


Open-File Report 03-265

Grand Canyon Riverbed Sediment Changes, Experimental Release of September 2000 - A Sample Data Set

By Florence L. Wong, Roberto J. Anima, Peter Galanis, Jennifer Codianne, Yu Xia, Randy Bucciarelli, and Michael Hamer


Brookian structural plays in the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska

By Christopher J. Potter and Thomas E. Moore


Open-File Report 03-267

Catalog of Earthquake Hypocenters at Alaskan Volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2002

By James P. Dixon, Scott D. Stihler, John A. Power, Guy Tytgat, Seth C. Moran, John Sánchez, Steve Estes, Stephen R. McNutt, and John Paskievitch


Open-File Report 03-268

Density and Magnetic Susceptibility Values for Rocks in the Talkeetna Mountains and Adjacent Region, South-Central Alaska

By Elizabeth A. Sanger and Jonathan M.G. Glen


Open-File Report 03-269

Isostatic Gravity Map with Simplified Geology of the Los Angeles 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle

By R.J. Wooley, R.F. Yerkes, V.E. Langenheim, and F.C. Chuang


Open-File Report 03-270

Preliminary Geologic Map of the Perris 7.5’ Quadrangle, Riverside County, California

By By Douglas M. Morton


Open-File Report 03-281

Preliminary Geologic Map of the Elsinore 7.5’ Quadrangle, Riverside County, California

By Douglas M. Morton and F. Harold Weber, Jr.


Open-File Report 03-293

Preliminary geologic map of the San Bernardino 30' x 60' quadrangle, California

By Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller


Open-File Report 03-294

Hydrogeologic Factors that Influence Ground Water Movement in the Desert Southwest United States

By Frank C. Chuang, Edwin H. McKee, and Keith A. Howard


Open-File Report 03-301

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Yucaipa 7.5’ Quadrangle, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California

By J.C. Matti, D.M. Morton, B.F. Cox, S.E. Carson, and T.J. Yetter


Open-File Report 03-302

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Redlands 7.5’ Quadrangle, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California

By J.C. Matti, D.M. Morton, B.F. Cox, and K.J. Kendrick


Open-File Report 03-306

A Bibliography of Klamath Mountains Geology, California and Oregon, listing Authors from Aalto to Zucca for the Years 1849 to Mid-2003

Compiled by William P. Irwin


Open-File Report 03-314

Preliminary analyses for perchlorate in selected natural materials and their derivative products

By G.J. Orris, G.J. Harvey, D.T. Tsui, and J.E. Eldrige


Open-File Report 03-323

Overview of the Alaska North Slope posters presented at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA during May 11-14, 2003—A status report of the U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Petroleum Studies

By K.J. Bird


Open-File Report 03-324

Alaskan North Slope Petroleum Systems

By L.B. Magoon, P.G. Lillis, K.J. Bird, C. Lampe, K.E. Peters


Open-File Report 03-325

Petroleum Source Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Mudstone Succession of the NPRA and
Colville Delta Area, North Slope Alaska, Based on Sonic and Resistivity Logs

By Margaret A. Keller and Kenneth J. Bird


Open-File Report 03-326

Petroleum Systems of the Alaskan North Slope—A Numerical Journey from Source to Trap

By C. Lampe, K.E. Peters, L.B. Magoon, K.J. Bird, and P.G. Lillis


Open-File Report 03-327

Association of Deformation and Fluid Events in the Central Brooks Range Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Northern Alaska

By Thomas E. Moore, Christopher J. Potter, Paul B. O’Sullivan, Kevin L. Shelton, and Michael B. Underwood


Open-File Report 03-328

Distribution, Richness, Quality, and Thermal Maturity of Source Rock Units on the North Slope of Alaska

By K.E. Peters, K.J. Bird, M.A. Keller, P.G. Lillis, and L.B. Magoon


Open-File Report 03-329

Sandstone and Shale Compaction Curves Derived from Sonic and Gamma Ray Logs in Offshore Wells, North Slope, Alaska—Parameters for Basin Modeling

By Elisabeth L. Rowan, Daniel O. Hayba, Philip H. Nelson, W. Matthew Burns, and David W. Houseknecht


Open-File Report 03-330

North Alaska Petroleum System Analysis: The Regional Map Compilation

By R.W. Saltus and K.J. Bird


Open-File Report 03-360

Shaded Relief Aeromagnetic Map of the Santa Clara Valley and Vicinity, California

By Carter W. Roberts and Robert C. Jachens


Open-File Report 03-361

Earthquake recordings from the 2002 Seattle Seismic Hazard Investigation of Puget Sound (SHIPS), Washington State

By Thomas L. Pratt, Karen L. Meagher, Thomas M. Brocher, Thomas Yelin, Robert Norris, Lynn Hultgrien, Elizabeth Barnett, Craig S. Weaver


Open-File Report 03-363

Publications of the Western Earth Surface Processes Team 2002

By Charles Powell, II and R.W. Graymer


Open-File Report 03-364

Cx-02 Program, Workshop on Modeling Complex Systems

By Victor G. Mossotti, Jo Ann Barragan, and Todd D. Westergard


Open-File Report 03-367

Surficial Geologic Map of parts of the Misheguk Mountain and Baird Mountains Quadrangles,
Noatak National Preserve, Alaska

By Thomas D. Hamilton


Open-File Report 03-368

Debris-Flow Hazards Caused by Hydrologic Events at Mount Rainier, Washington

By James W. Vallance, Michelle L. Cunico, and Steve P. Schilling


Open-File Report 03-377

Empirical Modified Mercalli Intensity Site Corrections for Towns in Eastern North America

By W. H. Bakun and M. G. Hopper


Open-File Report 03-383

Bathymetric and geophysical surveys of Englebright Lake, Yuba-Nevada Counties, California

By Jonathan R. Childs, Noah P. Snyder, and Margaret A. Hampton


Open-File Report 03-397

Preliminary Cross Section of Englebright Lake Sediments

By Noah P. Snyder and Margaret A. Hampton


Open-File Report 03-404

Alaska Resource Data File, McCarthy quadrangle, Alaska

By Travis L. Hudson


Open-File Report 03-407

Representative Bulk Composition of Oil Types for the 2002 U.S. Geological Survey Resource Assessment of National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska

By Paul G. Lillis


Open-File Report 03-408

Maps Showing Inundation Depths, Ice-Rafted Erratics, and Sedimentary Facies of Late Pleistocene Missoula Floods in the Willamette Valley, Oregon

By J.M. Minervini, J.E. O'Connor, and R.E. Wells


Open-File Report 03-418

Preliminary Geologic Map of the Fontana 7.5’ Quadrangle, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California

By Douglas M. Morton

Open-File Report 03-411

Preliminary Hydrodynamic Analysis of Landslide-Generated Waves in Tidal Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska

By Eric L. Geist, Matthias Jakob, Gerald F. Wieczorek, and Peter Dartnell


Open-File Report 03-423

1998 Volcanic Activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of Events and Response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory

By Robert G. McGimsey, Christina A. Neal, and Olga Girina


Open-File Report 03-429

Location and Age Database for Selected Foraminifer Samples Collected by Exxon Petroleum Geologists in California

Compiled By Earl E. Brabb and John M. Parker


Open-File Report 03-430

Coastal Circulation and Sediment Dynamics along West Maui, Hawaii

PART II—2003 Hydrographic Survey Cruises A-3-03-HW and A-4-03-HW Report on the spatial structure of currents, temperature, salinity and turbidity along Western Maui

By Curt D. Storlazzi, Joshua B. Logan, Margaret A. McManus and Brian E. McLaughlin


Open-File Report 03-434

Metallogenesis and Tectonics of the Russian Far East, Alaska, and the Canadian Cordillera

By Warren J. Nokleberg, Thomas K. Bundtzen, Roman A. Eremin, Vladimir V. Ratkin, Kenneth M. Dawson, Vladimir I. Shpikerman, Nikolai A. Goryachev, Stanislav G. Byalobzhesky, Yuri F. Frolov, Alexander I. Khanchuk, Richard D. Koch, James W.H. Monger, Anany I. Pozdeev, Ilya S. Rozenblum, Sergey M. Rodionov, Leonid M. Parfenov, Christopher R. Scotese, and Anatoly A. Sidorov

has been superceded by USGS Professional Paper 1697 (http://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/pp1697/)

Open-File Report 03-435

Scrubbing Masks Magmatic Degassing During Repose at Cascade-Range and Aleutian-Arc Volcanoes

By Robert B. Symonds, Cathy J. Janik, William C. Evans, Beatrice E. Ritchie, Dale Counce, Robert J. Poreda, and Mark Iven


Open-File Report 03-436

Mantle and Crustal Sources of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Noble gases in Cascade-Range and Aleutian-Arc Volcanic gases

By Robert B. Symonds1, Robert J. Poreda2, William C. Evans3, Cathy J. Janik3, and Beatrice E. Ritchie4


Open-File Report 03-441

DATA REPORT: Geology of Reef-Front Carbonate Sediment Deposits around Oahu, Hawaii

By Monty A. Hampton, Charles T. Blay, Christopher Murray, Laura Z. Torresan, Cathy S. Frazee, Bruce M. Richmond, and Charles H. Fletcher


Open-File Report 03-446

Alaska Resource Data File, Nabesna quadrangle, Alaska

By Travis L. Hudson


Open-File Report 03-447

Alaska Resource Data File, Wiseman quadrangle, Alaska

By Joe M. Britton


Open-File Report 03-449

Photomosaics and Logs of Trenches on the San Andreas Fault, Thousand Palms Oasis, California

By Thomas E. Fumal, William T. Frost, Christopher Garvin, John C. Hamilton, Monique Jaasma and Michael J. Rymer


Open-File Report 03-450

Photomosaics and Logs of Trenches on the San Andreas Fault at Arano Flat near Watsonville, California

By Thomas E. Fumal, Gordon F. Heingartner, Laura Samrad, Timothy E. Dawson, John C. Hamilton and John N. Baldwin


Open-File Report 03-455

The Catfish Lake Scarp, Allyn, Washington: preliminary field data and implications for earthquake hazards posed by the Tacoma Fault

By Brian L. Sherrod, Alan R. Nelson, Harvey M. Kelsey, Thomas M. Brocher, Richard J. Blakely, Craig S. Weaver, Nancy K. Rountree, B. Susan Rhea, and Bernard S. Jackson


Open-File Report 03-456

Alaska Resource Data File, Juneau quadrangle, Alaska

By John C. Barnett and Lance D. Miller


Open-File Report 03-457

Alaska Resource Data File, Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle, Alaska

By Robert K. Rogers and Jeanine M. Schmidt


Open-File Report 03-465

Preliminary Location and Age Database for Invertebrate Fossils Collected in the San Francisco Bay Region, California

Compiled By John M. Parker, William B. West, William T. Malmborg, and Earl E. Brabb


Open-File Report 03-469

Photomosaics and Logs of Trenches on the San Andreas Fault at Mill Canyon Near Watsonville, California

By Thomas E. Fumal, Timothy E. Dawson, Rebecca Flowers, John C. Hamilton, Gordon F. Heingartner, James Kessler, and Laura Samrad


Open-File Report 03-477

A Compilation of Whole-Rock and Glass Major-Element geochemistry of Kïlauea Volcano, Hawai'i, near-vent eruptive products: January 1983 through September 2001

By Carl R. Thornber, Ken Hon, Christina Heliker, and David A. Sherrod


Open-File Report 03-482

Coastal Circulation and Sediment Dynamics along West Maui, Hawaii
PART I: Long-term Measurements of Currents, Temperature, Salinity and Turbidity off Kahana, West Maui: 2001-2003

By Curt D. Storlazzi and Bruce E. Jaffe


Open-File Report 03-485

Proceedings of the Hayward Fault Workshop, Eastern San Francisco Bay Area, California, September 19-20, 2003

Edited By David A. Ponce, Roland Bürgmann, Russell W. Graymer, James J. Lienkaemper, Diane E. Moore, and David P. Schwartz


Open-File Report 03-486

Intrusive Rock Database for the Digital Geologic Map of Utah

By C.J. Nutt and Steve Ludington


Open-File Report 03-488

Logs and Data from Trenches Across the Hayward Fault at Tyson’s Lagoon (Tule Pond), Fremont, Alameda County, California, 2001-2003

By James J. Lienkaemper, Patrick L. Williams, Timothy E. Dawson, Stephen F. Personius, Gordon G. Seitz, Samuel J. Heller, and David P. Schwartz


Open-File Report 03-489

Isotopes and Ages in the Northern Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Southern California

By R. W. Kistler, J. L. Wooden, and D.M. Morton


Open-File Report 03-493

Trace Element and Nd, Sr, Pb Isotope Geochemistry of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i, Near-vent Eruptive Products: 1983 – 2001

By Carl R. Thornber, James R. Budahn, W. Ian Ridley, and Daniel M. Unruh


Open-File Report 03-501

Surficial and Bedrock Geologic Map Database of the Kelso 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California

By David R. Bedford


Open-File Report 03-502

Geology of the Right Stepover Region between the Rodgers Creek, Healdsburg, and Maacama Faults, Northern San Francisco Bay Region

A Contribution to Northern California Geological Society Field Trip Guide, June 6-8, 2003

By Robert J. McLaughlin and Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki


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