Welcome to the Online Pipeline Data Update Form

This application enables pipeline operators to review their National Pipeline Mapping System data and determine if it needs to be resubmitted. Operators are required by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration to review their NPMS data annually and either confirm that there are no changes or resubmit their data.

While navigating this application, operators will be asked to review:
· Geospatial data
· Attributes and Metadata
· Public Contact Information

Operators must have a username and password to login to this application. If you have already received a username and password for the Pipeline Integrity Management Mapping Application (PIMMA), please use it here. If you do not have a username and password, you may apply for one here. It takes approximately 7 to 10 business days to process a username and password request. If you have forgotten your username/password, please contact National Repository staff at npms-nr@mbakercorp.com or 703-317-6294.

Please note that this application is for pipeline operators only. Government agencies should login through the PIMMA application. Click the GO button below to continue pipeline data submission. Please contact the National Repository at 703-317-6294 or npms-nr@mbakercorp.com with any questions or problems.