U. S. Government Printing Office
Office of the General Counsel
Contract Appeals Board

Appeal of Kaufman DeDell Printing, Inc.
August 12, 1976

Vincent T. McCarthy, Chairman
Jay E. Eisen, Member
Robert M. Diamond, Member
Panel 75-11

Mrs. Mary H. DeDell, President
Kaufman DeDell Printing, Inc.
812 North State Street
Post Office Box 186
Syracuse, New York  13208

This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 13, 1976,
and postmarked June 27, 1976, wherein you petition for an appeal
of the decision rendered in connection with your appeal as
relating to the contract designated as Program 270-S.

In our decision we gave due recognition and consideration to all
the evidence and arguments presented to the Contract Appeals
Board.  In your letter, referred to above, you have neither
presented any evidence nor advanced any argument which the Board
has not previously considered.

Accordingly, having carefully reconsidered the case, the Board
affirms its initial decision.