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Home Pesticide Sampling Video

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"Home Pesticide Sampling Video"

Produced by Sandy Roda, University of Cincinnati Children's Center

Length: 3:38

File: Flash Video File
(38.9 MB, 400 x 300, 3:38)

Transcript of Segment

This video made for the University of Cincinnati Children 's Center provides information about pesticides in the home, how to prevent exposure to hazardous chemicals and how to sample for them. This excerpt includes the following information:

Pesticides are found in many common household products including bug sprays and baits, flea and tick sprays, pet collars, lawn and garden products and may even be present in swimming pools. Carelessly used or stored pesticides can produce symptoms including headache, rash, nausea or confusion. In children, results of pesticide exposure can include harm to the reproductive system, neurological and other serious effects.

Children play on the floor or the lawn, where pesticides are used, and tend to put their hands and toys in their mouth, which increases their risk of being exposed. Pesticides can be tracked from one room to another, and pesticide residues can remain on home surfaces for weeks, and exposure can occur when a child touches a sprayed surface. Make sure you keep children and pets away when applying pesticides and air out the building adequately afterwards. Store pesticides in a locked cabinet out of reach of children and pets. Wash children's hands before they eat, and wash their toys regularly after pesticides are used indoors.

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Centers Funded By:
EPA Home NIEHS Centers for Children's Environmental Health

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