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2005 Children’s Environmental Health Excellence and Recognition Awards

The Children's Environmental Health Awards increase awareness, stimulate activity, and recognize efforts that protect children from environmental health risks at the local, regional, national and international level.

Children's Environmental Health Champion
The Children's Environmental Health Champion is an honorary award presented to individuals to recognize their outstanding efforts and commitment to advancing environmental health issues. The 2005 Children's Environmental Health Champion award was presented to E. Ramona Trovato.

During Ms. Trovato’s 30-year career with the EPA, she held leadership positions in seven offices at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. and served as a scientist in EPA Region 3. These offices include: Research and Development, Air and Radiation, Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Environmental Information, Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, and the Office of the Administrator. During her tenure, she worked on many complex environmental issues to find solutions that would protect the environment and public health and be cost-effective.

Ms. Trovato believes her greatest contribution was in protecting and promoting children's health, particularly by raising awareness about children's environmental health and changing the way children are considered in hazard and exposure assessments and in economic analyses. Ms. Trovato is honored to have been a member of the teams that tackled these important issues.

Photo of 2005 Children’s 
Environmental Health Champion Award Recipient, Ramona Trovato
2005 Children's Environmental Health Champion Award Recipient, Ramona Trovato
Excellence Award Winners
Excellence Awards are presented to groups or individuals that exemplify invaluable leadership in the protection of children from environmental health risks. Fifteen Excellence Award Winners accepted their awards at a ceremony on April 21, 2005 in Washington, D.C. Choose from the award winners listed below to learn about their efforts to protect children’s health.
Photo of 2005 Children’s 
Environmental Health 
Excellence Award Winners
2005 Children's Environmental Health Excellence Award Winners (Enlarge Photo)
Recognition Award Winners
Recognition Awards are presented to groups or individuals who demonstrate commitment to protecting children from environmental health risks. The following received Recognition Awards:

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