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New Hampshire

Business in Emerging Global Markets

Doing Business in Emerging Global Markets: Brazil, Mexico & Russia

When: Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Time:  8:00am-10:00am (followed by optional tour of Russian Icon Museum by Gordon Lankton, Nypro Inc. Founder)
Where: Nypro Inc., 101 Union Street, Clinton, MA
Cost: No Charge

Interested in exporting to new markets? Ready to learn from experts about what to look out for? Eager to avoid the pitfalls of foreign trade and investment? Learn from seasoned international business executives about how to succeed in new overseas markets.

Moderator: Sheila Puffer, Professor of International Business, Northeastern University


  • Jack McCabe, Vice President, Mergers & Acquisitions, Nypro Inc.
  • Michelle Zeamer, General Counsel, Abbess Instruments
  • Katie Terricciano, Director, Customs & Export Control, Philips Electronics

To learn more, please click here!

To register or if you have questions, please contact Carole Cerezola at 617-262-1180 or

Sponsored by the Massachusetts Alliance for International Business, Northeastern University, U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce of New England, and New England-Latin America Business Council.