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Materials Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC)

Washington, DC 20230

Room 3884

 October 11, 2007


Material TAC Members:

Dr. James Estep, Chairman

Mr. Anthony Lubiniecki

Mr. Tom May

Mr. Eric McClafferty

Dr. Kimberly Orr, Designated Federal Officer – DoC/BIS

Ms. Elizabeth Scott - Director, DoC/BIS/CBC

Ms. Yvette Springer - Govt. Liaison – DoC/BIS

Department of Commerce Attendees:

Mr. Matt Borman, Deputy Assistant Secretary

Melanie Bunke - Intern, IBS

Ted Curtin - Policy Analyst, CBC, BIS

Gerry Horner – DoC/BIS/OTE

Kevin Kurland - Director, OTE, BIS

Alex Lopez - Director, DEED, BIS

Bob Teer - STC, BIS

Jim Thompson, Director, Sensors & Aviation Division


Gus Anifantis - Senior Consultant, MK Technology

Julie Edelstein - Wilmer Hale

Janelle Gamble - Export Mgr, Boeing

Robert Hoch - Technology Director, Hyperion Catalysis

Kenneth W. Hutton – Logistic Mgr, Hyperion Catalysis Int’l, Inc

Greg Tarr - Senior Technology Advisor, INS/CATR, US State Department

Cho Wang - General Motors

The meeting was opened at 10:30 AM with introductions.

Public Presentation: Carbon nanotubes by Dr. Bob Hoch, Hyperion Catalysis (the largest producer of nanotubes).

Discussion: The presentation gave a thorough technical description of the carbon nanotube materials. The presentation included transmission electron microscope (TEM) pictures of tubes and gave details of the growth of the materials in reactors. There was little discussion on the technology, but there was discussion on relevant ECCNs (such as 1C003) and whether nanotubes should be controlled.

Actions: Composite Working group will form sub group to evaluate current controls and suggest appropriate language for future controls.

Agenda Items:

1. Composite Working Group update on proposals:

Discussion: An update on the composite working group activities was given by Tom May. The group is preparing 2 proposals for the Wassenaar Agreement.

Actions: CWG will continue with biweekly conference calls while finalizing proposals into Wassenaar format.

2. ECCN Review:

Discussion: Eric McClafferty, who is leading the review of pump and valve ECCNS, discussed comments received from the chemical processing equipment industry regarding the ECCN review process and presented a coordinated response for discussion with an official version to follow. Some specific areas discussed included 2A226, 2A292, 2B999 and 2B350 language suggestions. Ms. Elizabeth Scott solicited technical justification for excluding specific items from control. There followed discussions by the bioprocessing ECCN review leader, Tony Lubinecki where he brought up the poor response to letters of interest from industry. Mr. Lubinecki laid out a strategy to increase response and start more discussion on the language of specific ECCNs.

Actions: Chem Bio division will review chemical processing ECCN change suggestions as to feasibility and necessity and start implementation of technical note or unilateral changes. Mr. Lubinecki laid out a strategy to increase response and start more discussion on the language of specific ECCNs by further contact with biopharmaceutical companies via letter.

3. Validated End User Program:

Discussion: Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Borman led a discussion on the validated end user (VEU) program to be used by exporters dealing with companies in China and India that generated a high degree of end user confidence for items for civilian use only.

Actions: MTAC members were urged to report usefulness of VEU program if they were participating.

4. Australia Group Plenary:

Discussion: Mr. Borman also commented on the Australia Group publication released 17 September 2007 which reported the June meeting’s results; Croatia was added as a new member of the Australia Group and changes where made in regulations on Mycoplasma Mycoides subspecies.

Actions: None

5. CCL Review and New Business:

Discussion: The comment period on the Commerce Control List was kept open until 1 November 2007. This was the first MTAC with teleconferencing provided during the open session. Remarks were taken from the listening audience before the TAC moved into closed session.

Actions: MTAC and listening audience encouraged to send CCL changes suggestions.


The MTAC will meet on February 21, 2008 at 10 am in Room 3884, HCHB.








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