University Transportation Centers

2006 Grant Competitions



Opening Date: June 1, 2006

Closing Date: August 15, 2006

Research and Innovative Technology Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590-0001



What You Need to Send Us............................................................................................. 1
Where to Submit Your Application................................................................................... 1
Deadline for Submitting Your Application................................................................... 2
Return Receipt Acknowledgment................................................................................... 2
Questions about This Solicitation.................................................................................. 2


A. Background.................................................................................................................. 3
B. Mission.......................................................................................................................... 4
C. Objectives......................................................................................................................... 4
D. Theme........................................................................................................................... 4
E. Multiparty Arrangements.......................................................................................... 4
F. National Leadership................................................................................................... 4
G. Program Outcomes...................................................................................................... 5
H. Performance Measures............................................................................................... 5
I. Strategic Plan................................................................................................................ 6
J. Terms of the Grant...................................................................................................... 6


A. Review of Applications............................................................................................... 6
B. Ranking of Applications............................................................................................. 7
C. Additional Information.............................................................................................. 7
D. Recommendation of Awards..................................................................................... 7
E. Contingent Award...................................................................................................... 7
F. Final Award................................................................................................................ 8
G. Limitation on Availability of Funding..................................................................... 8
H. Resource Concentration at the Grantee University............................................... 8


A. Selection Criteria........................................................................................................ 8
B. Vision........................................................................................................................... 9
C. Theme.......................................................................................................................... 9
D. Relationship to DOT’s Strategic Goals..................................................................... 10
E. National Leadership........................................................................................................ 10
F. Dissemination of Results.............................................................................................. 11
G. Institutional Resources............................................................................................... 11
H. Partnerships................................................................................................................ 11
I. Center Director and Key Staff.................................................................................. 12
J. Projected Allocation of Center Funds....................................................................... 12


A. Center Director’s curriculum vitae.......................................................................... 14
B. Confirmation of Negotiated Overhead and Fringe Benefit Rates......................... 14


The Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) plans to establish and maintain ten “Tier I” University Transportation Centers (UTC), so called in the program’s authorizing legislation to distinguish this group of competitive centers from other Congressionally designated UTCs. The purpose of the Centers is to advance U.S. technology and expertise in the many disciplines comprising transportation through the mechanisms of research, education, and technology transfer.

To accomplish this purpose, RITA will provide up to $1 million per Center per year in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Each Center is required to obtain matching funds from non-federal sources in an amount at least equal to the US DOT grant amount. US DOT funding will be awarded in annual increments, on the basis of each Center’s success in attaining the goals of the program in the prior year and subject to the availability of funding.


Your university’s authorized representative must submit the application through the Federal “” electronic grant identification and application system. You will want to ensure well in advance that the university is registered with, as registration is not instantaneous. Because this is the UTC Program’s first year using, and to serve as a safety net for our initial use of this new system, you must also send an e-mail to the address shown below, letting us know the time and date that you submitted the application to You are responsible for the accuracy and validity of all the administrative, fiscal, and technical information in your application.

The application will consist of:

  1. Standard Form SF-424 “Application for Federal Assistance”

  2. Standard Form SF-424B “Assurances – Non-Construction Programs”

  3. A 25-page written prospectus prepared as outlined below, plus additional required documentation specified below.

(Note: RITA requests only the information necessary to carry out its statutory purposes. This information will be used within US DOT and will be disclosed outside the Department only as permitted by applicable federal statutes (e.g., the Privacy Act, Freedom of Information Act, etc.)


Submit your application via:, located at Internet address,
Opportunity No. DTRT06-G-TIERONES

Send an e-mail noting the date and time of submission to RITA’s UTC Program office at:


Your application must be submitted to, and your e-mail to RITA’s UTC Program Office, no later than:

TUESDAY, August 15, 2006.

Your application will be considered complete as initially received by us. Any materials submitted after the due date will not be incorporated into the review process unless we specifically request such material at a later time.


The electronic system will provide you with an acknowledgement of your submission.


If you have questions about this solicitation or need information about the University Transportation Centers Program in general, you may e-mail us at Please note: until a formal notice of award is issued, no communication by the Government, either written or oral, shall be interpreted as a promise that an award will be made.


  1. Background. In 1988, the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) initiated the University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program. After a nationwide competition, US DOT awarded grants to create a University Transportation Center in each of the ten standard federal regions. The primary purpose of the program at that time was the conduct of research.

    The Intermodal Surface Transportation Equity Act (ISTEA) of 1991 reauthorized the UTC Program through fiscal year 1997, and expanded its mission to include education and technology transfer, as well as research. In addition to the ten regional Centers, ISTEA created three “national” Centers and six University Research Institutes at universities that were named in the Act. The program expansion led US DOT to adopt a strategic planning approach to program management based on a mission and goal set that was the same for all 13 Centers and 6 Institutes. US DOT extended the grants to the regional Centers for three years, but announced its intention to reopen the program to competition. That occurred in 1994, at which time two of the ten regions experienced a change in the identity of the regional Center.

    In 1998, the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) reauthorized the UTC Program for an additional six years and increased the total number of Centers to 33. In addition to the ten regional Centers, which were selected competitively in 1999 (two of the ten Regional UTCs changed hands), TEA-21 created 23 other Centers at institutions named in the Act. TEA 21 established education as one of the primary objectives of a University Transportation Center and institutionalized the use of strategic planning in university grant management.

    The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU, Public Law 109-59), enacted in 2005, provides the most significant expansion of the UTC program to date. SAFETEA-LU increases the number of University Transportation Centers from the 33 established in TEA-21 to 60 provided in SAFETEA-LU. Annual funding for the program has also increased from $32.5 million in TEA-21 to $76.7 million in SAFETEA-LU. With the expansion of the UTC program comes new opportunities for the UTC program to make an even greater contribution to transportation research, education, and technology transfer. While the increase in the number of centers and higher funding levels will result in new opportunities for the UTC program as a whole, a core element for the program will continue to be the Regional and Tier I Centers that are competitively selected.

  2. Mission. The mission of the UTC Program and the role of each individual Center are stated in SAFETEA-LU (sec. 5402) to be:

    to advance significantly the state-of-the-art in transportation research and expand the workforce of transportation professionals.

  3. Objectives. Specific objectives of the UTC Program and of each individual Center as stated in SAFETEA-LU (sec. 5402) are:

    1. Research: Basic and applied research, the products of which are judged by peers or other experts in the field of transportation to advance the body of knowledge in transportation.

    2. Education: An education program relating to transportation that includes multidisciplinary course work and participation in research.

    3. Technology Transfer: An ongoing program of technology transfer that makes transportation research results available to potential users in a form that can be implemented, utilized, or otherwise applied.

    Although every Center has the same objectives, US DOT encourages diversity in the program participants and in the approaches individual Centers take to reach the program objectives.

  4. Theme. Each institute of higher education must select a theme that indicates the nature of the Center it seeks to establish. The theme should reflect the unique contribution that the Center hopes to make within the UTC Program, to the region, and to the nation. Further, the theme should address one or more critical transportation issues.

  5. Multiparty Arrangements. The grantee institution will be the direct and primary recipient of US DOT funds, and as such must perform a substantive role in carrying out Center activities, and not merely serve as a conduit for awards to another party. Unless otherwise approved by RITA, a minimum of one-half the total funding available to a Center under the UTC Program shall be concentrated at the grantee institution. Only the grantee institution is required to meet the eligibility criteria discussed in Part II of these instructions.

  6. National Leadership. The grantee institution must have the capability to provide leadership in making national and regional contributions to the solution of immediate and long-range transportation problems. The grantee must have a well-established, nationally-recognized program in transportation research and education, and meet the selection criteria specified in SAFETEA-LU. The research and education activities of the University Transportation Center must support the national strategy for surface transportation research, as identified by: (1) the report of the National Highway Research and Technology Partnership entitled Highway Research and Technology: The Need for Greater Investment dated April 2002 and (2) the programs of the National Research and Technology Program of the Federal Transit Administration. US DOT also recommends that the activities support the national research, development, and technology priorities of US DOT and its Operating Administrations, as identified by the Department of Transportation Strategic Plan, the U.S. Department of Transportation Research, Development, and Technology Plan, and other items that RITA may post on the UTC Program’s web site during the life of the grant to indicate US DOT’s current priorities.

    Each Center is strongly encouraged to support one or both of the following high-priority areas identified by US DOT and its operating administrations:

    Advanced Research. RITA defines this as “research that involves and draws upon basic research results to provide a better understanding of phenomena and develop innovative solutions – sometimes referred to as exploratory research in order to convey its fundamental character, its broader objectives, and the great uncertainty in expected outcomes compared to problem-solving research.” Advanced research may be done in collaboration with a state DOT or other knowledgeable entity, in support of the Federal Highway Administration’s Advanced Research Program requirements or similar requirements of other US DOT Operating Administrations.

    Congestion Chokepoints. This is a near-term priority initiative that addresses the Secretary of Transportation’s congestion mitigation strategy, with projects intended to demonstrate deployable results within one year and identify and/or ameliorate the factors that contribute to congestion of freight and/or passenger traffic in urban areas. Such projects may involve any discipline of science, engineering, technology, and policy analysis that is capable of addressing these factors.

  7. Program Outcomes. The desired outcomes from US DOT’s investment in the UTC Program are to advance the body of knowledge in transportation and to increase the number of Americans who are educated and able to contribute significantly to the design, deployment, operation, and maintenance of the complex transportation systems that will enhance America’s economic competitiveness in the 21st century. US DOT will use performance measures and other evaluation tools to track the Centers’ individual and collective progress in bringing about these outcomes.

  8. Performance Measures. The Government Performance and Results Act requires all federal programs to establish quantifiable performance measures by which to evaluate the effectiveness of those programs in achieving the desired outcomes.
    1. Baseline Measures. To establish the point from which progress can be measured, US DOT requires each applicant to provide specific information relating to the most recently completed academic year. The baseline measures are set forth in Appendix A of the grant document entitled Instructions for Preparing a UTC Strategic Plan. This document is posted on the UTC Program web site at

    2. Performance Indicators. To track each Center’s progress toward the program’s objectives, US DOT requires annual submission of data that can be compared with the baseline measures. These performance indicators are provided as Exhibit A of the Reporting Requirements for UTCs, which is posted on the UTC Program web site at

    3. Strategic Plan. Strategic planning is an important part of the success of the UTC Program. In this solicitation, each applicant is asked to provide a “vision statement” which sets forth in broad terms the overall strategic outlook that the Center hopes to achieve to advance the state-of-the-art in transportation research and expand the workforce of transportation professionals. If your application is selected for award of the UTC grant, you will then be required to develop a multiyear strategic plan describing specific outcomes and planned activities that will be undertaken during the life of the grant to achieve the objectives of the program. You may wish to review the Instructions for Preparing a UTC Strategic Plan on the UTC Program web site as you prepare your application.

    4. Terms of the Grant. Copies of documents outlining UTC grant reporting requirements and general grant provisions are posted on the UTC Program web site at You may wish to review these documents as you prepare your application.

  1. Review of Applications. After the closing date, RITA will conduct an initial review of each application received to ensure that it is complete and properly submitted. The applications will then be submitted to a team of reviewers from multiple US DOT Operating Administrations. The teams will evaluate the applications according to the following criteria specified in SAFETEA-LU (sec. 5402):

    Quantifiable Selection Criteria In the case of a UTC that is a consortium of institutions, the lead (grant recipient) institution must meet criteria 1 and 2.
    1. Financial Commitment. The applicant’s demonstrated commitment of at least $400,000 each year in regularly budgeted institutional amounts to support ongoing transportation research and education programs.

    2. Established, Recognized Program, as evidenced by:
      1. not less than $1,000,000 in highway or public transportation research expenditures each year for each of the preceding 5 years or not less than $6,000,000 in such expenditures during the preceding 5 years;
      2. not fewer than 5 graduate degrees awarded in professional fields closely related to highways and public transportation each year for each of the preceding 5 years; and
      3. not fewer than 3 tenured or tenure-track faculty members who specialize on a full-time basis in professional fields closely related to highways and public transportation and who, as a group, have published a total of at least 20 refereed journal publications on highway or public transportation research during the preceding 5 years.
      General Selection Criteria
    3. Resources. The demonstrated research and extension resources available to the applicant to carry out the work of the Center.

    4. Leadership. The applicant’s capability to provide leadership in making national and regional contributions to the solution of immediate and long range transportation problems.

    5. Dissemination of Results. The applicant’s demonstrated ability to disseminate results of transportation research and education programs through a statewide or regionwide continuing education program.

    6. Vision. The applicant’s plan for the Center as it will be at the end of the grant and the likelihood of its being realized. The vision statement should be a broad statement of the strategic objectives of the UTC and should form the basis for the strategic plan the recipient proposes to carry out under the grant if selected by RITA for funding.
  2. Ranking of Applications. The multimodal review team will review and evaluate each application, assigning numerical scores to measure the degree to which each application meets the general selection criteria. In scoring the applications, the two highest-priority criteria will be Resources and Leadership (approximately 1/3 each of an applicant’s total score); the Dissemination of Results and Vision criteria together will be scored at approximately 1/3 of the total score.

    In addition, extra consideration (not to account for more than an additional five percent of the total possible numerical score for the four general selection criteria) will be allotted for clearly presented evidence that the applicant intends to include advanced research and congestion mitigation (see Part II.F above) in its research and education programs.

  3. Additional Information. RITA reserves the right to request from any or all applicants such additional information as it may deem necessary to complete its review of applications.

  4. Recommendation of Awards. The review team will prepare a memorandum forwarding their collective recommendations to the selecting official, the Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA).

  5. Contingent Award. The RITA Administrator will select ten applicants to receive a Tier I UTC grant. The initial amount of funding made available under the grant will be $150,000 which may be used only for the purpose of developing a required multiyear strategic plan for the Center in accordance with the Instructions for Preparing a UTC Strategic Plan. The balance of the first year’s funding under the grant (up to $1,000,000) will be contingent upon the grantee’s development and US DOT’s approval of the multiyear strategic plan.

  6. Final Award. Upon receipt of US DOT’s written approval of the Center’s strategic plan, the grantee may begin to obligate the full amount of the first year’s increment of funding.

  7. Limitation on Availability of Funding. Funding for this program is subject to a statutory limitation on the availability of funding from the Highway Trust Fund. Current projections indicate that the annual value of the award will be somewhat less than the amounts authorized in SAFETEA-LU of $1,000,000 per year for 2007-2009.

    Total funding for each year of a Center’s operation will include the US DOT funding plus an equal or greater amount of non-Federal matching funds. The non-Federal funds may include funds provided to a recipient under sections 503, 504(b), or 505 of Title 23, United States Code (the technology deployment, local technical assistance, and state planning and research programs managed by the Federal Highway Administration). The non-Federal funds may be cash or in-kind, must be used to accomplish program objectives and the purpose of the grant, and must be fully documented in the Center’s records.

  8. Resource Concentration at the Grantee University. In the case of a multiparty arrangement, a minimum of one-half of the Center’s total budget shall be concentrated at the lead university, i.e., the grantee university.


Page Limit: Your Center Prospectus must not exceed a total length of twenty-five (25) standard-size pages.

  1. Selection Criteria.

    The selection criteria above are set forth in the UTC Program’s authorizing legislation (SAFETEA-LU, sec. 5402). If you do not demonstrate that you (in the case of a UTC that is a consortium, the lead institution) satisfy the Quantifiable Selection Criteria stated in Part II.A.1-2 of this solicitation, your application will be ineligible for further consideration.

    • Demonstrate that your institution has committed at least $400,000 in regularly budgeted institutional amounts to support ongoing transportation research and education programs in preceding years.

    • Provide evidence* of not less than $1,000,000 in highway or public transportation research expenditures each year for each of the preceding 5 years or not less than $6,000,000 in such expenditures during the preceding 5 years.

    • Provide evidence* of not fewer than 5 graduate degrees awarded in professional fields closely related to highways and public transportation each year for each of the preceding 5 years.

    • Provide evidence* of not fewer than 3 tenured or tenure-track faculty members who specialize on a full-time basis in professional fields closely related to highways and public transportation and who, as a group, have published a total of at least 20 refereed journal publications on highway or public transportation research during the preceding 5 years. *The SAFETEA-LU legislation did not specify what type of evidence to show for these three criteria, so reviewers will be instructed to accept any evidence that they find to be credible and presented in a reasonable format given the overall page limit for the prospectus. Applicants should recall when responding to this solicitation that making false statements to the Federal government is a crime.

  2. Vision.
    • Describe your vision for your Center, what accomplishments you would expect to occur by the end of the grant, and how your Center is uniquely qualified to accomplish this vision.

    • If your Center is a multiparty arrangement, describe the arrangement and explain how the presence of multiple parties will enhance your ability to realize your Center’s vision.

    The vision statement is a broad statement of the strategic objectives of the UTC and should form the basis for the strategic plan the recipient proposes to carry out under the grant. Your vision statement sets the tone for your entire application. It should explain, in your terms, the vision for your Center, the major accomplishments you expect to achieve, and strategies for achieving them.

    It should describe how your Center is uniquely qualified to meet the UTC Program’s objectives. This is also an opportunity to highlight the strengths which your institution will build upon in this program and how it can truly serve as a national leader. The vision should also focus on how far your Center will have progressed toward becoming a leader in the subject area encompassed by your Center theme, and how that base of knowledge can be sustained into the future after the UTC grant has ended.

  3. Theme.
    • State your Center’s theme beginning with: “The theme of this Center will be ...”

    After stating your theme, provide a statement of scope describing how the theme relates to critical national transportation issues and provides a common focus for Center activities.

    You must select a theme which indicates the nature and scope of the Center that you propose to establish. Your theme statement should be clear and concise, and it should communicate the core reason for your Center’s choosing the majority of its research, education, and technology transfer activities. The theme must encompass more than one mode of surface transportation and must clearly link to the national strategy for surface transportation research (see Part I.F of this solicitation).

    A list of the themes of the current Centers may be viewed on the UTC Program web site at

  4. Relationship to US DOT’s Strategic Goals.
    • Outline the scope and focus of the education, research, and technology transfer efforts that your Center will undertake to achieve the objectives of the UTC Program.

    • Discuss how these efforts will support US DOT’s strategic goals and research priorities. Information about US DOT’s vision, mission, strategic goals, and priorities is in the Instructions for Preparing a UTC Strategic Plan posted on the UTC Program web site.

    Research efforts should support the national strategy for transportation research and should contribute toward a safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally friendly transportation system. Education and workforce development efforts should relate to the development of a transportation workforce that is prepared to design, deploy, operate, and maintain the complex transportation systems of the future, and should create general awareness of transportation benefits. Technology transfer efforts should ensure the hand-off of information and technology to those who can use it, especially current transportation practitioners.

  5. National Leadership.
    • Explain how your Center will provide leadership in making national contributions to the solution of immediate and long-range transportation problems

    • Document that you have an established, recognized program in transportation research and education as evidenced by the selection criteria stated in Part II.A.2 of this solicitation and other factors that you consider relevant to national leadership.

    • Describe how the research and education activities of your University Transportation Center will support the national strategy for surface transportation research (see Part I.F of this solicitation).

  6. Dissemination of Results.

    • Describe the institution’s demonstrated ability to disseminate results of transportation research and education programs through a statewide or regionwide continuing education program.

    • Describe the institution’s ability to disseminate research results to students and transportation professionals through other mechanisms, such as seminars, symposia, distance learning classes, technology demonstrations, etc.

    • Describe the institution’s process and target market for disseminating transportation research reports and other transportation newsletters/periodicals.

  7. Institutional Resources.

    • Describe the institutional resources available to your proposed Center. If your Center includes more than one institution, describe the institutional resources available from all.

    • Describe the composition of existing or planned advisory committees and other efforts to link your research, education, and/or technology transfer program with the transportation community.

    Institutional resources encompass such things as research and training facilities, human resources, physical facilities, and institutional support capabilities. If you are proposing a multiparty arrangement, such as a consortium or partnership with another university, discuss the collective resources that will be available to your Center. NOTE: If there is any pre-existing center of transportation studies or research at the institution[s] comprising your Center, describe how the UTC’s activities and accomplishments will relate to, and be distinguishable from, those of the other center[s].

  8. Partnerships.
    • Describe your Center’s prospective partnerships, both financial and programmatic.

    US DOT encourages all Centers to establish collaborative relationships with other entities in the region: academic and/or research institutions, private sector concerns, and public sector organizations at all levels of government. Furthermore, all Centers are required to obtain matching funds from non-federal sources in an amount at least equal to the amount of the US DOT grant. NOTE: The non-federal share of Center costs may include funds provided to a recipient under section 503, 504(b) or 505 of title 23, United States Code. (Those sections refer to the technology deployment, local technical assistance, and state planning and research programs managed by the Federal Highway Administration.)

  9. Center Director and Key Staff.
    • Identify the individual who will be the Center Director, and describe his or her role, stating the percent of time to be spent on Center activities. Provide, along with your prospectus, the Center Director’s curriculum vitae or other information demonstrating his/her relevant experience and expertise.

    • Describe how your Center Director plans to effectively direct and oversee the Center’s funds, personnel, and programs.

    • State the titles and describe the duties and responsibilities of any other Center staff who will spend 50% or more of their time on Center activities. Provide the names of those individuals, if known, and briefly discuss their qualifications.

    The Center Director is the person responsible for implementing the Center’s Strategic Plan and ensuring compliance with all other UTC Program requirements.

    This role is particularly important in multiparty arrangements involving distant partners. The Center Director is expected to represent the Center and/or the UTC Program at external meetings, and is required to participate in up to two annual meetings convened by US DOT with the directors of all University Transportation Centers.

  10. Projected Allocation of Center Funds.
    • Prepare a one-year Center funding plan in the format described in Table 1 below to show how you expect to allocate the Center’s total annual resources.

      Total funding for the first year of your Center’s operation will include US DOT funding of approximately $1,000,000 plus an equal or greater amount of non-Federal matching funds. The non-Federal funds may be cash or in-kind, must be used to accomplish program objectives and the purpose of the grant, and must be fully documented in the Center’s records.

    • If your Center is a multiparty arrangement, in addition to the Center funding plan, prepare a one-year funding plan in the same format for each of the participating institutions including the grantee university, demonstrating compliance with the requirement to retain one-half of total Center funding at the grantee institution.

    Limitation on Availability of Funding. Funding for this program is subject to a statutory limitation on the availability of funding from the Highway Trust Fund. Current projections indicate that the annual value of the award will be somewhat less than the amounts authorized in SAFETEA-LU of $1,000,000 per year for 2007-2009.

Table 1. Projected Allocation of Center Funding

Center Director Salary 
Other Staff Salaries
(Program and Administrative)
Staff Benefits 
Permanent Equipment 
Expendable Property, Supplies, and Services 
Indirect Costs 
Federal Share $ 1,000,000
Matching Share 
* Includes Federal and Matching Shares

PART IV. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (not included in the 25-page limit for the prospectus)

  1. Center Director’s curriculum vitae.

  2. Confirmation of Negotiated Overhead and Fringe Benefit Rates.

    • Provide a legible copy of your institution’s most recent negotiated overhead rates and fringe benefit rates, including the name and telephone number of the cognizant federal audit agency representative.

    • If your Center is a multiparty arrangement, obtain the same evidence from each of the consortium institutions and include it as part of your application.