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Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) arrows logo

Who's Who

As you become more familiar with the changes and amendments to be included in the MUTCD Millennium Edition, use the Resources to help you find specific information or answers to your questions. Maybe you'd like to talk to (email? telephone?) a State DOT engineer who has experience installing retroflective signs and pavement markings on low-volume roads, but you're not certain whom to call. So, let's first consider some organizational responsibility.

The FHWA Office of Transportation Operations manages the rewrite of the MUTCD and coordinates the rulemaking process through Federal Register notices.

FHWA team members responsible for coordinating the revision of specific MUTCD Millennium Edition Parts.

The FHWA Resource Center provides technical support and program assistance along with training, and technology delivery to the Division Offices, State Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations and other transportation partners.

FHWA Resource Center

The FHWA maintains a Division Office in each State. The FHWA staff in these Division Offices are more familiar with individual State issues, and they work closely with State and local highway agencies to resolve local issues of Traffic Control Device selection, installation, and maintenance.

FHWA Division Offices

The State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), and the county and local highway agencies, however, are the agencies that own and operate most highways and roads throughout the country. Thus, it is the State DOTs, and the county and local agencies, that select, install, and maintain traffic control devices--in accordance with the FHWA MUTCD provisions.

State Transportation Web Sites