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Doing the Right Thing: Improving Transportation and Enhancing Ecosystems

Exemplary Ecosystem Initiatives

An open forest hillside of thin trees with dense green plants and white flowers growing on the shaded forest floor
Flint River Ravines conservation area (Georgia DOT)

It's about connections. It's about the future.

Ecosystems are interconnected communities of living things and the physical environment within which they interact. Preserving and enhancing ecosystems is critical to protecting our diverse biological resources and sustaining our communities and economies that rely on their products.

The ecosystem approach looks at the present and beyond. It envisions future conditions under which ecological, economic, and social factors are integrated.

In 2002 the FHWA identified ecosystem conservation as one of three performance objectives under the agency's "vital few" goal of Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship. As a hallmark demonstration of its commitment to this goal, FHWA agreed to identify a minimum of 30 exemplary ecosystem initiatives in at least 20 States or Federal Lands Highway divisions by September 2007. The agency also developed specific criteria for selecting the initiatives.

In the success stories showcased on this website, you'll see examples of how exemplary ecosystem initiatives in eight States are reducing habitat fragmentation and barriers to animal movement, encouraging the development of more sustainable mitigation sites, stimulating early ecosystem planning, and fostering ecosystem-based research

"These innovative and forward-thinking initiatives aren't single-issue, project-specific efforts," says FHWA Administrator Mary Peters. "They look at 'the big picture,' and they're sure to make a significant difference in future transportation decisionmaking."

Here are the State Department of Transportation Exemplary Ecosystem Initiatives we've designated thus far:






Exemplary Ecosystem Initiatives Information

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