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Updated with new information on special permits and Carrier Requirements (Air), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Training Modules Version 5.1 CD-ROM contains nine modules with training in: Hazardous Materials Table, Shipping Papers, Packaging, Marking and Labeling, Placarding, Carrier Requirements (Highway), Carrier Requirements (Air), Carrier Requirements (Rail), and Carrier Requirements (Water). Supporting materials include “How to Use the Hazardous Materials Regulations.” This self-paced interactive tutorial presentation requires an IBM-PC with a CD-ROM drive for individual instruction. Professional trainers can use materials available at in conjunction with the CD-ROM to create traditional classroom-style training. (CD training length approximately 9 hours).

Chart13.gifCHART 13 (SINGLE)

Displays the labels and placards (in full-color) required by the Hazardous Materials Regulations, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.

750 Copies


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