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Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science

Argonne National Laboratory

Center Publications:

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View Projects in List Format

  Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Annual/ Final Reports Pubs Count Institution Grant Representative Grant Amount Project Period
1 R829402

- Main center abstract - Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science
Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science Stein, Michael
Amit, Yali
Beletsky, Dmitry
Chay, Kenneth
Dukic, Vanja
Dwyer, Greg
Eshel, Gidon
Frederick, John
Greenstone, Michael
Kotamarthi, V. Rao
Lesht, Barry
McCullagh, Peter
Meng, Xiao-Li
Naureckas, Edward
Pfister, Cathy
Rathouz, Paul
Reinsel, Gregory
Schwab, David
Solway, Julian
Tiao, George
Weatherhead, Elizabeth
Wootton, Timothy
Wuebbles, Donald J.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.



Total Pubs: 4
Journals: 1
-- No Books --
University of Chicago,Argonne National Laboratory,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,University of California - Berkeley,University of Colorado,University of Illinois at Urbana,University of Miami,University of Wisconsin - Madison Smith, Bernice
$6,250,049   March 2002 -
March 2007  
2 R829402C001

- This is a subproject of the Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science
Detection of a Recovery in Stratospheric and Total Ozone Tiao, George
Meng, Xiao-Li
Reinsel, Gregory
Weatherhead, Betsy
Wuebbles, Donald J.
Guillas, Serge
Fioletov, Vitali
Flynn, Lawrence
Hayhoe, Katharine
Kerr, James
Miller, Alvin
Petropavlovskikh, Irina
Weatherhead, Elizabeth
Yang, Shi-Keng

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.




Total Pubs: 26
Journals: 4
-- No Books --
University of Chicago,Georgia Institute of Technology,Harvard University,University of Colorado,University of Illinois at Urbana EPA Project Officer(s) for
Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science

Grant Number R829402:

Smith, Bernice
Refer to main center abstract for funding details.   March 2002 -
March 2007  
3 R829402C002

- This is a subproject of the Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science
Integrating Numerical Models and Monitoring Data Stein, Michael
Amit, Yali
Beletsky, Dmitry
Kotamarthi, V. Rao
Lesht, Barry
Schwab, David
Nakamura, Noboru
Stroud, Jonathan
Chen, Li
Zhang, Zepu

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.




Total Pubs: 28
Journals: 17
Books: 1
University of Chicago,Argonne National Laboratory,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,University of Michigan,University of Pennsylvania EPA Project Officer(s) for
Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science

Grant Number R829402:

Smith, Bernice
Refer to main center abstract for funding details.   March 2002 -
March 2007  
4 R829402C003

- This is a subproject of the Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science
Air Quality and Reported Asthma Incidence in Illinois Frederick, John
Draghicescu, Dana
Dukic, Vanja
Eshel, Gidon
Naureckas, Edward
Rathouz, Paul
Zubrow, Alexis
Im, Haekyung

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.




Total Pubs: 18
Journals: 2
-- No Books --
University of Chicago,Hunter College/CUNY EPA Project Officer(s) for
Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science

Grant Number R829402:

Smith, Bernice
Refer to main center abstract for funding details.   March 2002 -
March 2007  
5 R829402C004

- This is a subproject of the Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science
Quasi-Experimental Evidence on How Airborne Particulates Affect Human Health Greenstone, Michael
Chay, Kenneth
Neidell, Matthew

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.


Total Pubs: 8
Journals: 3
-- No Books --
University of Chicago EPA Project Officer(s) for
Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science

Grant Number R829402:

Jones, Brandon
Refer to main center abstract for funding details.   March 2002 -
March 2007  
6 R829402C005

- This is a subproject of the Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science
Model Choice Stochasticity, and Ecological Complexity Dwyer, Greg
McCullagh, Peter
Pfister, Cathy
Wootton, Timothy
Coram, Marc
Wang, Mei
Elderd, Bret
Forester, James

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.




Total Pubs: 9
Journals: 8
-- No Books --
University of Chicago EPA Project Officer(s) for
Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science

Grant Number R829402:

Smith, Bernice
Refer to main center abstract for funding details.   March 2002 -
March 2007  
7 R829402C006

- This is a subproject of the Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science
Statistical Approaches to Detection and Downscaling of Climate Variability and Change Wuebbles, Donald J.
Cai, Airong
Hayhoe, Katharine
Hertel, Anne
Stein, Michael
Tiao, George
Vrac, Mathieu

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.



Total Pubs: 11
Journals: 4
-- No Books --
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,University of Illinois at Urbana,University of Chicago,University of Illinois at Chicago EPA Project Officer(s) for
Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science

Grant Number R829402:

Smith, Bernice
Refer to main center abstract for funding details.   March 2002 -
March 2007  

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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