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NTIA Home Low Power TV and Translator Digital-to-Analog Conversion

Background: On October 29, 2007, NTIA published a notice in the Federal Register (72 Fed. Reg. 61109) announcing that $8 million would be available through the Low-Power Television and Translator Digital-to-Analog Conversion Program (Conversion Program) to help low-power television stations continue analog broadcasts. The Conversion Program provides funds to eligible low-power stations that must purchase a digital-to-analog conversion device to convert the incoming digital signal of a full-power television station to analog for transmission on the low-power station’s analog channel.

All information about the Conversion Program is on this website. The Conversion Program will accept applications postmarked on or before February 17, 2009.

Update(08/28/2008): Change in the Law/Change in the Conversion Program

Under Public Law No. 110-295, The DTV Transition Assistance Act, the NTIA Assistant Secretary may adjust the amount of funding available for the Conversion Program. The Assistance Act authorizes NTIA to use the remaining amounts from the Conversion Program for consumer education and technical assistance regarding the digital television transition and the Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupon Program.

As of July 31, 2008, NTIA had received applications from 749 low-power television facilities, including 689 applications from television translators, 50 applications from low-power television stations, and 10 applications from Class A television stations. After reviewing the number of low-power stations potentially eligible for the Conversion Program; the number of requests received through July 31, 2008; and the number of facilities that have received authorizations from the Federal Communications Commission to upgrade to digital transmission via flash-cut, NTIA determined that the full $8 million reserved in the Federal Register Notice from October 29, 2007, will not be necessary for payments to eligible low-power television stations.

Change in Funds Available: On August 28, 2008, NTIA published a notice in the Federal Register (73 Fed. Reg. 50782) announcing that $3.5 million should adequately cover the amounts needed for payments to eligible low-power television facilities. NTIA will also adjust this amount three months prior to the February 17, 2009, digital transition deadline.

Funds Available through November 17, 2008: To encourage earlier submission of Conversion Program applications, NTIA will make the full $3.5 million available for payment to eligible low-power facilities for those applications submitted (postmarked) by November 17, 2008.

Funds Available after November 18, 2008: For applications submitted (postmarked) on or after November 18, 2008, through February 17, 2008, NTIA will use no more than $1 million of any of the $3.5 million remaining after November 17, 2008, and will process applications on a first-come, first-served basis until the $1 million is exhausted.

The deadline for Conversion Program applications remains February 17, 2009. All other application requirements and procedures contained in the Federal Register Notice of October 29, 2007, remain in effect.

Even if a station is not eligible for the Conversion program, it may qualify for the Upgrade Program.

The following are links for new and returning users:

For an overview of the Conversion Program and to view presentations made to various program stakeholders, please go to Program Overview and Presentations. Other important information can be found below:

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