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Maritime Reading Room

05.16.2008 * Audit Initiated of the Maritime Security Program
09.30.2004 * MARAD Inactive Obligations
09.28.2004 * Title XI Loan Guarantee Program
05.05.2004 * MARAD’s Cargo-Preference Billing and Payment
11.24.2003 * Follow-Up Audit Initiated of MARAD's Title XI Loan-Guarantee Program
06.23.2003 * OIG Comments on Lake Express Title XI Loan-Guarantee Application
06.05.2003 * Title XI Loan Guarantee Program
03.27.2003 * MARAD Title XI Loan Guarantee Program
11.06.2001 * OIG review of MARAD Title XI Loan Guarantee Program announced
06.21.2000 * Limited Progress in Disposing of Obsolete Vessels
06.21.2000 * Reauthorization of the Maritime Administration
06.09.2000 * Limited Progress in Disposing of Obsolete Vessels
05.24.2000 * Limited Progress in Disposing of Obsolete Vessels
05.16.2000 * Reauthorization of the Maritime Administration
05.12.2000 * Report on Ready Reserve Force Ship Managers' Contracts
03.10.2000 * Report on the Program for Scrapping Obsolete Vessels
07.20.1999 * Massachusetts Heavy Industries Inc. Title XI Loan Guarantee
06.12.1998 * Maritime Security Program
12.17.1997 * Management Advisory on Massachusetts Heavy Industries, Inc. Title XI Loan Guarantee

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