Sunday, September 28, 2008 [[Page D1203]] Daily Digest Senate The Senate was not in session today. It will next meet at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, September 29, 2008. House of Representatives Chamber Action Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 19 public bills, H.R. 7197- 7215; and 4 resolutions, H.J. Res. 100; H. Con. Res. 439; and H. Res. 1518-1519, were introduced. Pages H10330-31 Additional Cosponsors: Page H10331 Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: H.R. 971, to ensure and foster continued patient safety and quality of care by making the antitrust laws apply to negotiations between groups of independent pharmacies and health plans and health insurance issuers (including health plans under parts C and D of the Medicare Program) in the same manner as such laws apply to protected activities under the National Labor Relations Act, with an amendment (H. Rept. 110-898); H. Res. 1382, honoring the heritage of the Coast Guard (H. Rept. 110- 899); H.R. 5788, to amend title 49, United States Code, to establish prohibitions against voice communications using a mobile communications device on commercial airline flights, with an amendment (H. Rept. 110- 900); H.R. 6598, to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit certain conduct relating to the use of horses for human consumption, with an amendment (H. Rept. 110-901, Pt. 1); H. Res. 1516, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 7201) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide incentives for energy production and conservation and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 7202) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring provisions and to provide individual income tax relief (H. Rept. 110-902); and H. Res. 1517, providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 3997) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide earnings assistance and tax relief to members of the uniformed services, volunteer firefighters, and Peace Corps volunteers (H. Rept. 110-903). Page H10330 Recess: The House recessed at 1:22 p.m. and reconvened at 4:30 p.m. Page H10304 Suspensions--Proceedings Resumed: The House agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following measures which were debated on Saturday, September 27th: Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Act of 2008: S. 3325, to enhance remedies for violations of intellectual property laws, by a \2/ 3\ yea-and-nay vote of 381 yeas to 41 nays, Roll No. 664--clearing the measure for the President; Pages H10304-05 Great Lakes Legacy Reauthorization Act of 2008: Agreed to the Senate amendment to H.R. 6460, to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to provide for the remediation of sediment contamination in areas of concern, by a \2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 411 yeas to 9 nays, Roll No. 665--clearing the measure for the President; and Page H10305 Military Personnel Citizenship Processing Act: S. 2840, to establish a liaison with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to expedite naturalization applications filed by members of the Armed Forces and to establish a deadline for processing such applications, by a \2/3\ recorded vote of 416 ayes with none voting ``no'', Roll No. 668--clearing the measure for the President. Page H10309 Recess: The House recessed at 5:12 p.m. and reconvened at 8:01 p.m. Page H10305 [[Page D1204]] Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules: The House agreed to H. Res. 1514, waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules, by a yea-and-nay vote of 216 yeas to 200 nays, Roll No. 667, after agreeing to order the previous question by a yea-and-nay vote of 211 yeas to 201 nays, Roll No. 666. Pages H10306-08 Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 and Temporary Tax Relief Act of 2008--Rule for Consideration: The House began consideration of H. Res. 1516, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 7201) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide incentives for energy production and conservation and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 7202) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring provisions and to provide individual income tax relief. Subsequently, the resolution was withdrawn. Page H10309 Appointing the day for the convening of the first session of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress: The House agreed by unanimous consent to H.J. Res. 100, appointing the day for the convening of the first session of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress and establishing the date for the counting of the electoral votes for President and Vice President cast by the electors in December 2008. Page H10316 Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet at 8 a.m. tomorrow, September 29th. Page H10316 Recess: The House recessed at 10:10 p.m. and reconvened at 12:02 a.m. on Monday, September 29th. Page H10316 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008--Rule for Consideration: The House began consideration of H. Res. 1517, providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 3997) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide earnings assistance and tax relief to members of the uniformed services, volunteer firefighters, and Peace Corps volunteers. Further proceedings were postponed until tomorrow, September 29th. Pages H10316-27 Quorum Calls--Votes: Four yea-and-nay votes and one recorded vote developed during the proceedings of today and appear on pages H10304- 05, H10305, H10307-08, H10308, and H10309. There were no quorum calls. Adjournment: The House met at 1 p.m. and adjourned at 1:03 a.m. on Monday, September 29th. Committee Meetings ENERGY IMPROVEMENT AND EXTENSION ACT OF 2008; TEMPORARY TAX RELIEF ACT OF 2008 Committee on Rules: Granted, by a non-record vote, a closed rule providing for consideration of H.R. 7201, the ``Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008,'' and H.R. 7202, the ``Temporary Tax Relief Act of 2008.'' The rule provides that each bill will be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Ways and Means. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of each bill except those arising under clause 10 of rule XXI. The rule provides that each bill shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against each bill. The rule provides one motion to recommit each bill with or without instructions. Finally, notwithstanding the operation of the previous question, the Chair may postpone further consideration of either bill until a time designated by the Speaker. Testimony was heard from Representative Neal. PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE SENATE AMENDMENT TO H.R. 3997, TO AMEND THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986 TO PROVIDE EARNINGS ASSISTANCE AND TAX RELIEF TO MEMBERS OF THE ARMED SERVICES, VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS, AND PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEERS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (EMERGENCY ECONOMIC STABILIZATION ACT OF 2008) Committee on Rules: Granted, by a non-record vote, a rule providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 3997, the ``Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.'' The rule makes in order a motion by the Chairman of the Committee on Financial Services to concur in the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment with the text of the House amendment printed in the report of the Committee on Rules. [[Page D1205]] The rule waives all points of order against the motion and provides that the Senate amendment and the motion shall be considered as read. The rule provides three hours of debate on the motion equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Financial Services. The rule provides that the Chair may postpone further consideration of the motion to a time designated by the Speaker. Testimony was heard from Chairman Frank and Representatives Sherman, Jackson-Lee of Texas, Kucinich and Shays. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD (USPS 087ÿ09390). The Periodicals postage is paid at Washington, D.C. The public proceedings of each House of Congress, as reported by the Official Reporters thereof, are printed pursuant to directions of the Joint Committee on Printing as authorized by appropriate provisions of Title 44, United States Code, and published for each day that one or both Houses are in session, excepting very infrequent instances when two or more unusually small consecutive issues are printed one time. 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Following each session of Congress, the daily Congressional Record is revised, printed, permanently bound and sold by the Superintendent of Documents in individual parts or by sets. With the exception of copyrighted articles, there are no restrictions on the republication of material from the Congressional Record. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Record, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Along with the entire mailing label from the last issue received. [[Page D1206]] _______________________________________________________________________ Next Meeting of the SENATE 11 a.m., Monday, September 29 __________ Senate Chamber Program for Monday: After the transaction of any morning business (not to extend beyond 12:00 noon), Senate will resume consideration of the motion to concur in the amendment of the House of Representatives to the amendment of the Senate to H.R. 2095, Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act. Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 8 a.m., Monday, September 29 __________ House Chamber Program for Monday: To be announced. _______________________________________________________________________ Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue HOUSE Ackerman, Gary L., N.Y., E2125 Allen, Thomas H., Me., E2119 Baca, Joe, Calif., E2102, E2116 Bachmann, Michele, Minn., E2108 Berman, Howard L., Calif., E2108 Blackburn, Marsha, Tenn., E2141, E2148 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E2125, E2127, E2136 Bonner, Jo, Ala., E2102, E2133 Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E2104 Boyd, Allen, Fla., E2149 Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E2098, E2099, E2101, E2105, E2111 Camp, Dave, Mich., E2120 Castle, Michael N., Del., E2140, E2143 Childers, Travis W., Miss., E2138, E2139 Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E2114 Cooper, Jim, Tenn., E2134 Costello, Jerry F., Ill., E2118, E2136 Crenshaw, Ander, Fla., E2103 Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E2134 Delahunt, William D., Mass., E2098 DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E2135 Dent, Charles W., Pa., E2146 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln, Fla., E2114 Dingell, John D., Mich., E2118, E2133 Emanuel, Rahm, Ill., E2150, E2151 Emerson, Jo Ann, Mo., E2104, E2129, E2146 Engel, Eliot L., N.Y., E2118 Faleomavaega, Eni F.H., American Samoa, E2106 Fallin, Mary, Okla., E2117 Farr, Sam, Calif., E2107, E2108, E2123 Feeney, Tom, Fla., E2127 Fortenberry, Jeff, Nebr., E2128 Fox, Virginia, N.C., E2142 Frank, Barney, Mass., E2121 Franks, Trent, Ariz., E2140, E2146 Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., N.J., E2113, E2128 Gallegly, Elton, Calif., E2124 Garrett, Scott, N.J., E2097 Gerlach, Jim, Pa., E2125, E2127, E2133 Gordon, Bart, Tenn., E2113 Graves, Sam, Mo., E2115, E2115, E2115, E2116 Harman, Jane, Calif., E2138, E2147 Hinojosa, Ruben, Tex., E2138 Hirono, Mazie K., Hawaii, E2129, E2135 Holt, Rush D., N.J., E2130 Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E2109 Jones, Walter B., N.C., E2109 Jordan, Jim, Ohio, E2126 Kanjorski, Paul E., Pa., E2144 Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E2109 Kirk, Mark Steven, Ill., E2096, E2126 Klein, Ron, Fla., E2119 Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E2103, E2141, E2146, E2148 Kuhl, John R. ``Randy'', Jr., N.Y., E2105, E2120 Lampson, Nick, Tex., E2098, E2099, E2111 Latham, Tom, Iowa, E2120, E2122, E2124 Levin, Sander M., Mich., E2108 Lewis, Jerry, Calif., E2101, E2145, E2149 Lipinski, Daniel, Ill., E2108, E2110 Lofgren, Zoe, Calif., E2139, E2140 Lowey, Nita M., N.Y., E2147 McCarthy, Carolyn, N.Y., E2097 McCarthy, Kevin, Calif., E2122, E2137 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E2097, E2117 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E2151 Markey, Edward J., Mass., E2106, E2130 Matheson, Jim, Utah, E2135 Mica, John L., Fla., E2127, E2136 Miller, George, Calif., E2139 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E2098, E2100, E2111, E2126 Moore, Dennis, Kans., E2124, E2137 Murphy, Christopher S., Conn., E2112 Napolitano, Grace F., Calif., E2129 Neugebauer, Randy, Tex., E2129 Ortiz, Solomon P., Tex., E2139 Paul, Ron, Tex., E2129 Payne, Donald M., N.J., E2101, E2105, E2107 Pelosi, Nancy, Calif., E2116 Pomeroy, Earl, N.D., E2149, E2151 Porter, Jon C., Nev., E2098, E2099, E2101 Price, David E., N.C., E2095 Putnam, Adam H., Fla., E2143 Radanovich, George, Calif., E2122 Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E2133 Ramstad, Jim, Minn., E2098, E2148 Reyes, Silvestre, Tex., E2119, E2128 Rodriguez, Ciro D., Tex., E2127 Ross, Mike, Ark., E2104 Roybal-Allard, Lucille, Calif., E2112, E2114, E2142 Ruppersberger, C.A. Dutch, Md., E2116 Rush, Bobby L., Ill., E2097 Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E2103 Sanchez, Loretta, Calif., E2139, E2140 Schakowsky, Janice D., Ill., E2113 Scott, Robert C. ``Bobby'', Va., E2135 Shuler, Heath, N.C., E2138, E2147 Skelton, Ike, Mo., E2134 Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, N.Y., E2110 Smith, Adrian, Nebr., E2145 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E2143, E2145, E2149 Solis, Hilda L., Calif., E2106, E2113, E2119, E2137 Space, Zachary T., Ohio, E2102 Spratt, John M., Jr., S.C., E2110, E2150 Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E2100 Stupak, Bart, Mich., E2144, E2147 Sutton, Betty, Ohio, E2151 Tanner, John S., Tenn., E2110 Tiberi, Patrick J., Ohio, E2126 Turner, Michael R., Ohio, E2113 Udall, Mark, Colo., E2117, E2121, E2137 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E2102 Walden, Greg, Ore., E2145 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E2116 Wittman, Robert J., Va., E2146 Young, Don, Alaska, E2100