Fall Reading List

Posted on September 19th, 2008 - 10:30 AM

About the author: Jeffery Robichaud is a second generation scientist with EPA who started in 1998. He serves as Chief of the Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Branch in Kansas City.

I’ll admit it; I am a voracious reader of non-fiction. Mostly I’m a fan of history but I do find time to fit in some reading that relates in some way shape or form to my profession. Instead of frittering more time away on the internet consider one of my favorite tomes from the past summer. Also think about checking them out from your local library…just another way to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

American Green: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn – A witty take on everything related to Americans’ manic approach to that patch of green outside our front door. Required reading for anyone who mows in shorts and black dress socks like I do.

Rubbish: The Archeology of Garbage – Ever wonder what happens to garbage once it goes into a landfill? Join teams from the University of Arizona as they don their Indiana Jones Cap and comb through odoriferous treasure troves. This book made me happy that we have a shredder.

The Prize - If you are a history buff, this is a fascinating read (it won a Pulitzer!). At well over 900 pages, it chronicles the history of our most prolific hydrocarbon from the original wildcatter well, through Spindletop, Ida Tarbell, Standard Oil, and World War II.

The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up – Okay, a bit of a shameless propaganda for diesel retrofits from EPA, but hey I really did read this to my sons a couple times. And this title gets bonus points since it is available for FREE from EPA.

Why not share your Greenversations-related reading list in a comment below. I am always on the lookout for a good book to read.

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3 Responses to “Fall Reading List”

  1. Stefan Martiyan Says:

    Field Notes From A Catastrophe: Man, Nature & Climate Change — provides a basic, reader-friendly (i.e. not too much geek speak) outline of climate change, the causes of climate change, the ominous effects of climate change, and what climate change means for our future.

    Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution — And How It Can Renew America — interesting follow-up by the author of the acclaimed, “The World is Flat”, Friedman offers up a holistic look at global warming, rapidly growing populations, and the astonishing expansion of the world’s middle class through globalization.


    Jeffery Robichaud reply on September 19, 2008 3:39 pm:

    I’ll have to check out the new Friedman book, although I suppose that means re-reading the world is flat. I’ve got a ton of others in the queue ahead of it so perhaps when it hits paperback!


  2. Lina-EPA Says:

    Definitely would add Friedman’s latest book to the list. Don’t think you have to re-read “The World is Flat” to grasp the compelling message. I also like the holistic outlook to pressing environmental issues.


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