University Transportation Centers

Student Awardees

2006 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year
2005 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year
2004 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year
2003 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year
2002 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year
2001 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year
2000 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year
1999 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year

2005 UTC Outstanding Students of the Year

Photo of the Year 2005 Awardees

Pictured are student awardees from U.S. DOT's University Transportation Centers (UTC) program at the 15th Annual Outstanding Student of the Year Awards ceremony, January 21, 2006. With the students are Dr. Ashok Kaveeshwar, former Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), and Dr. Melissa Tooley, President, Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC).

2005 UTC Outstanding Student of the Year Awardees

Scott Beaird
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Southeastern Transportation Center (Region 4)

Andrea Bill
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Midwest Regional University Transportation Center (Region 5)

Nathan Bradbury
University of Idaho
National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology

Shawn Brovold
University of Minnesota
Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute

Kenneth P. Brown
Texas Southern University
Southwest Region University Transportation Center (Region 6)

Daniel Chatman
University of California - Los Angeles
University of California Transportation Center (Region 9)

Brenda M. Cruz
Rensselear Polytechnical Institute
University Transportation Research Center (Region 2)

Andrew Thomas Desautels
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New England University Transportation Center (Region 1)

Noor El-Mitiny
University of Central Florida
Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation

Jennifer M. Flynn
University of South Florida
National Center for Transit Research

Ryan Funk
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
National ITS Implementation Research Center

Alex Delrick Geiger
South Carolina State University
University Transportation Center

Zachery C. Grasley
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
FAA Centers of Excellence

Gary G. Greene, Jr.
University of Missouri - Rolla
Center for Advanced and Non-Destructive Testing Technologies

Brandon Hughes
Northwestern University
Infrastructure Technology Institute

Chandra Inglis-Smith
Marshall University
Nick J. Rahall II Appalachian Transportation Institute

Hillary Isebrand
Iowa State University
Midwestern Transportation Consortium (Region 7)

Minh Q. Le
University of Arkansas
Mack-Blackwell Rural Transportation Center

Alison Linder
University of Southern California
National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research (METRANS)

Michael Blackmore Lowry
University of Washington
Transportation Northwest (Region 10)

David T. Nartey
Morgan State University

Wajahat Nyaz
San Jose State University
Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies

Alan Nybing
North Dakota State University
Mountain Plains Consortium (Region 8)

Richard Jon Porter
Pennsylvania State University
Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center (Region 3)

Clifford Price
New Jersey Institute of Technology
The National Center for Transportation and Industrial Productivity

Liza Runey
North Carolina State University
Center for Transportation and the Environment

Mark Sadsarin
North Carolina A&T University
Transportation Institute

Jessica Sick
University of Rhode Island
University of Rhode Island Transportation Center

Laura Stanley
Montana State University
Western Transportation Institute

Jeffrey Wilson
University of Alabama - Huntsville
University Transportation Center for Alabama

Matthew Zeller
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation