
How does the Data Registry Contribute to Quality Information?

ISO 9000 defines quality as “Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements. Note: Quality may relate to a product or service regarding its ability to meet the stated or implied needs and expectations of the user.”

In order to have quality, data must be understandable to the user. Well-defined, well-documented data is critical to quality. In addition to having good technical definitions and clear English language meanings, associating data elements with their concepts helps to maintain consistent, controlled vocabularies thus reducing ambiguity and misunderstanding.

In addition to knowing what the data means, it is highly important to know where and how to access it as well as where it came from and how complete it is. All of these data attributes are captured in the Data Registry and made readily available to assist EPA and its partners in performing their mission in a consistent and knowledgeable fashion.

For the registry to be successful and of quality content, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) states that it must have results that:

    a.       Meet a well-defined need, use, or purpose;

    b.      Satisfy customers expectations;

    c.       Comply with applicable standards and specifications;

    d.      Comply with statutory (and other) requirements of society; and

    e.       Reflect consideration of cost and economics. [ANSI/ASQ E4-2004]

Environmental data elements from important EPA systems are registered and maintained as data dictionaries. Code sets (also known as valid or permissible value lists) are registered and updated centrally. The metadata registered pertaining to the data elements documents their quality characteristics and quality improvements. These characteristics support quality in the following ways:

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How is the Quality of the Information within Data Registry Ensured?

The quality of the metadata within the Data Registry is managed using processes and procedures that are specified in International Standards along with additional processes and procedures within EPA. Documentation of these processes assists with repeatability and allows for application of a continuous process improvement activity. The implementation of the stewardship program improves quality of the content of the registry by transferring the entry and maintenance of that data and metadata to the subject matter experts.

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