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Department of Commerce Performance and Accountability Report
Fiscal Year 2007

Financial Section

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Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Position


United States Department of Commerce Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Position
For the Years Ended September 30, 2007 and 2006 (In Thousands)
  FY 2007 FY 2006
(Note 20)
All Other
(Note 20)
All Other
Cumulative Results of Operations:            

Beginning Balance

$620,980  $4,542,101  $5,163,081  $537,757  $4,192,109  $4,729,866 

Budgetary Financing Sources:

Appropriations Used

       -   6,433,917   6,433,917         -   6,599,730   6,599,730 

Non-exchange Revenue

  16,855          36      16,891    15,521           -      15,521 

Donations and Forfeitures of Cash and Cash Equivalents

       -       1,216       1,216         -         515         515 

Transfers In/(Out) Without Reimbursement, Net

  24,176      81,921     106,097    19,440      72,184      91,624 

Other Budgetary Financing Sources/(Uses), Net

       -        (333)       (333)        -         820         820 

Other Financing Sources (Non-exchange):

Donations and Forfeitures of Property

       -      16,535      16,535         -           -           - 

Transfers In/(Out) Without Reimbursement, Net

       -         220         220      (350)      2,039       1,689 

Imputed Financing Sources from Cost Absorbed by Others

   1,044     195,859     196,903     1,155     188,023     189,178 

Downward Subsidy Reestimates Payable to Treasury

       -     (36,710)    (36,710)        -     (31,447)    (31,447)

Loan Modification Savings Paid to Treasury

       -     (18,910)    (18,910)        -           -           - 

Other Financing Sources/(Uses), Net

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Total Financing Sources   48,982   6,666,566   6,715,548    43,701   6,806,402   6,850,103 
Net Cost of Operations
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Net Change
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Cumulative Results of Operations
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Unexpended Appropriations:

Beginning Balance

      27   4,306,394   4,306,421        27   4,238,294   4,238,321 

Budgetary Financing Sources:

Appropriations Received (Note 18)

       -   6,683,664   6,683,664         -   6,771,140   6,771,140 

Appropriations Transferred In/(Out), Net

     (27)     13,500      13,473         -      22,366      22,366 

Other Adjustments (Note 18)

       -     (40,736)    (40,736)        -    (125,676)   (125,676)

Appropriations Used

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Total Budgetary Financing Sources
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Unexpended Appropriations
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The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

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