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Circular Letter No. 677

February 4, 2008

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Rider Orders for Office of Government Ethics Pamphlet “The Qualified Trust Program"�������������������

The purpose of this Circular Letter is to offer departments and agencies of the Federal Government the opportunity to ride the printing order for the following product of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE):

“The Qualified Trust Program”.  This two-color glossy pamphlet briefly describes setting up a qualified Trust Program to avoid potential conflict of interest when entering Government Service that may affect an individual who is looking for a job in the Government. The estimated rider rate is $.50 each.  Please remember to indicate the number of pamphlets desired and Jacket Number 342-690, OGE Requisition Number 8-00007 on your requisition. Field or regional activities should coordinate their requirements with their Washington, DC area headquarters' printing officers before submitting any paperwork.

Rider requisitions (SF-1s) for this product should be submitted to GPO no later than February 25, 2008.  The rider rate applies to single destination, local delivery.  Mailing charges, if incurred, will be added to your account.  Requisitions should be forwarded to:  Agency Publishing Services, Requisition Section (Stop: CSAA), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20401, or fax your requisitions to 202-512-1260. 

If you have any questions about the information contained in this Circular Letter, please contact your GPO Agency Publishing Specialist or call Agency Publishing Services on 202-512-0238.


Managing Director, Customer Services


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