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October 2, 2008

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Modifications to GPO Web Links from Federal Agency Sites

Changes to GPO’s network and internet delivery methods may cause some “Access Denied” errors on certain GPO Web links. Some internal GPO links that were created using an older, antiquated linking method are now invalid and are producing error messages.

The affected URLs have been identified as links that contain a similar string of information and point at “” and not to frwebgate or other GPO Access resources.

In order to correct the links so that they point to the appropriate GPO resources from Federal agency Web sites, there is a simple course of action for correction.

  1. Audit the current site, and perform a search for “”.
  2. If this string is found, remove the redirecting link and point the link back to the GPO resource.

An example invalid link is provided below:

Within this link there are two servers: the and Web administrators will need to remove the and point back to

The example URL above should then become:

After this modification is made, the connection to GPO’s resource will be restored.

If you have any questions concerning the modification process described in this Circular Letter, please contact John Braddock.


Acting Managing Director, Customer Services


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