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Submitting Public Working Papers

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Public Working Papers Repository

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Authors wishing to publish their papers using this site need to submit information about the author and paper (please see our review policy). You can provide information in any of the following ways:
General Submission Requirements

Regardless of how information is submitted, please follow the guidelines below:
In addition, please provide any other information describing the paper (e.g., media, paper date, etc.).

Submitting Information Using Web Forms

This is our prefered way of obtaining and providing information about your working papers. By using Web forms - the Author Profile form for initial author information and the Working Paper form for each paper you want to publish - you will be sending your information directly to the Working Paper Inventory database. This simplifies the electronic publication process and increases the accuracy of data stored in the database. The Working Paper form has an upload facility (compatible with Netscape browsers and IE 4) which allows for placing electronic files directly into our database.

Review Policy

Working papers and author profiles submitted for inclusion will not be reviewed for academic merit or accuracy or viewpoints expressed, but will be reviewed for relevance to the economics of environmental pollution control and for serious scholarly intent. This review will occur every time a paper or author profile is submitted or changed. Our aim is to complete the review by the end of the third business day after the day of submission, but circumstances may not always make this possible. At the conclusion of the review, the new or revised profile will ether be published on the Web or the submitter will be informed as to the reasons that the submission will not be published. EPA reserves the right to edit any profiles for conformity to the remainder of the database in order to improve usability.

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