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Environmental Economics Reports

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The Environmental Economics Report Inventory is a collection of more than 610 research reports prepared both by and for NCEE and its predecessor offices. About 275 reports can be downloaded in Word, Adobe Acrobat, or WordPerfect, and 13 are browsable. This inventory contains a mixture of EPA reports and reports to EPA. The reports to EPA represent only the views of the authors and not necessarily those of EPA. Research papers prepared by staff members since 2001 are to be found in the NCEE Working Paper Series. An introduction, survey, and overview of the reports in this database can be found in Introduction to Environmental Economics Research at EPA, along with an appendix on the history of economic research and analysis in the EPA Office of Research and Development and the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, its evolution over the period 1971-2005, and suggestions as to its longer-run significance.

Use the "Quick Links" in the upper right to browse this database; the links denote how records will be sorted, though the individual records are consistently displayed regardless of sorting. Additionally, a search box appears at the top of each sorting page.

Many of the files stored in the inventory are in the PDF format. To view a PDF document, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't already have this software, you can download a free copy Exit EPA from Adobe.

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