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NCEE is part of the Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, and has an immediate office (Al McGartland, Director and Nathalie Simon, Associate Office Director), as well as three divisions: The following address can be used for sending mail to any NCEE staff member. Other contact information is for the Center but not individual staff members. Individual staff members should be also be consulted for express delivery information. 

National Center for Environmental Economics
US Environmental Protection Agency
Mail Code 1809
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: 202-566-2244
Fax: 202-566-2363
email: ncee@epa.gov

Although NCEE was formally established in 2000, EPA has a long history of conducting the kind of economic research and innovative analyses now performed by NCEE. For some historical perspective, many of NCEE's economic staff and projects can be traced to predecessor organizations in EPA. Some of these include:

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