Funding Opportunities

Every week the NNI will be updating the latest nanotechnology and nanoscience-related funding opportunities drawn from announcements from agency websites,, Commerce Business Daily and other government databases.

Twelve Nano Centers Win Funding in Triennial Competition

NSF logoTwelve centers involved in nanotechnology research, including four new centers, were awarded funding as part of a National Science Foundation (NSF) competition. In total, 14 centers around the country received funding as a result of this year’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSECs) competition, which is held every three years.

Science of Small

May 2008 —Nanotechnology offers the possibility to understand and control matter at the nanoscale better. Through the funding support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services (CREES), land-grant university researchers are learning how to manipulate matter like never before.

See these videoclips for illustrations.

  • New Skin: Scientists in Illinois are using corn protein to create new skin and deliver medicine through nanotubes.
  • Following the Flow: Researchers are discovering how nano-scale tracers can uncover the sources of pollution in America's farm fields and waters.
  • Super Cloth: Using nanotechnology, Cornell scientists created a fabric that can detect biohazards like E. coli and other pathogens.
  • Disease Detectors: Scientists have developed nanoscale biosensors that can help detect diseases on farms and in hospitals.

NNI FY 2009 Budget Supplement

NNI Budget 2009The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) budget report for 2009 has been released and provides $1.5 billion for nanotechnology research and development (R&D), reflecting steady growth in investments by NNI member agencies as the Initiative enters its eighth year.

The NNI encompasses the nanotechnology-related activities of 25 Federal agencies. For more information on the 2009 NNI budget, visit the Funding section of this website or view the full pdf version.

Big Things from a Tiny World

Nanotechnology: Big Things from a Tiny WorldNew nanotechnology brochure released. The world of nanotechnology can be difficult for a non-scientist to grasp, and few publications for general readers exist. Now, the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), with assistance from scientists in the 25 agencies of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, has produced a brochure that is geared to a broad public:

Nanotechnology: Big Things from a Tiny World

Nano Currents