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September 08, 2008

Deputy Secretary Barrett: Teen Driving Safety: A National Priority

In the United States, motor vehicle fatalities are the leading cause of death among those ages fifteen to twenty. Approximately 4,000 teens died and 300,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2006. Even though they drive less than other age groups, mile for mile, teenagers are involved in three times as many fatal crashes as all other drivers.

Teens driving on rural roads face a greater challenge. Even though rural roads carry less than half of America’s traffic, they are home to over half of the nation’s vehicular deaths. Worse, the fatality rate for rural crashes is more than twice the fatality rate in urban crashes. For teens, the mix of speeding, not wearing a seat belt, driving while distracted (on cell phones or with other teens in the car), driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, and driving inexperience, often times has a deadly consequence.

As part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Rural Safety Initiative, we have partnered with National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) to develop a new generation of advertising and educational materials to encourage teenagers to drive safely. To do that, we called on the one group in America that actually understands how to talk to teenagers and knows how to get them to do something different….other teenagers.

Last month, I invited six extraordinary teenagers living in rural areas around the U.S. to exchange ideas on new ways to communicate with teens about safer driving by teens. Their enthusiasm and passion for advocating traffic safety issues was clearly apparent. We discussed why teens were not using seat belts each and every time they are in a car, ways to prohibit retailers from selling alcohol to minors, how to better target teen drivers through media and communication campaigns, why teens do not perceive distracted driving (such as text messaging while driving) as a dangerous and also what can be done to better prepare teens through driver education to drive on rural roads which are often gravel instead of paved.

Hearing their personal experiences with traffic safety in rural communities and why they are so passionate about the issue was inspiring. I have asked them to share these experiences and their thoughts on the best way to educate other teenagers on traffic safety issues:

Jason Westerheide- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), Minster, Ohio

Today was an awesome experience for us: six youths, coming together with a Deputy Secretary and passionate traffic safety activist, to collaborate and highlight the underlying traffic safety issues that are not being discussed. Hopefully we can move forward after today to stimulate the youth, to convince the adults, and empower everyone to take positive actions for traffic safety with both youth and adults! Through education, communication, and collaboration, we will make a difference in the lives of many Americans to come.

Eric Dixon- Technology Student Association (TSA), Knoxville, Tennessee

Communication is the key to solving rural traffic problems. This communication needs to be youth-to-youth in order for the youth of our nation to accept these traffic safety issues into their lives and to remember them when the time comes. We are tired of hearing stories and receiving commands from adults twenty years our senior. We want to hear from responsible youth our age, and we want to know we are not alone in our efforts for traffic safety.

Whitley Shae Hill- Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Grayson, Kentucky

I hope that our focus today on the issues and the explanations of why they are issues will create awareness, as well as legislation to prevent rural traffic fatalities. In an effort to eliminate preventable traffic incidents we must raise awareness to youth, as well as adults across the nation about the impact these collisions have on lives, families, and communities. We must also pioneer for future generations the ability to step outside our “normal” boundaries to advocate for safer, more productive roads.

Kristi Ruth- Farm Safety 4 Just Kids, Chariton, Iowa

I believe that rural traffic safety is a very important issue. This is something that affects millions of people across the U.S. Coming from a very rural area, I understand the importance of being able to drive on safe rural roads. I have had many close calls that could have had a deadly outcome. Thousands of teenagers lose their life every year due to traffic incidents. Teens need to know they are not alone in standing up for traffic safety.

Elise Strahan- Youth Crime Watch American and (YCW) and National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS), Hubert Heights, Ohio

Having the honor to speak to Deputy Secretary Barrett gave me a chance to voice my views on teens and traffic safety today. I hope that America’s leaders today can better relate to the leaders of tomorrow through education and communication.

Jacob Holm- Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), Valley City, North Dakota

It was an honor being involved in the discussion with Deputy Secretary Barrett. This is a prime example of how teens can become involved in traffic safety issues. When youth get together with a common voice we have the opportunity to truly make a difference. I challenge you all to let your passion flow and make a difference in our world. We are the generation that will make a difference in policy and social norms. If we band together we will make a difference. Just remember that standing up for what you believe in is never uncool or nerdy. It takes a lot of strength to do what is right so I applaud you for taking the first step in the right direction. Always remember that you are never alone in doing the safe and right thing.


Take the keys away from teens and restrict their driving. Encourage school bus use instead of driving to school. Teens do not NEED cars

I completely agree with this and something does need to be done.

In light of the number of train (ground and overhead) mishaps where the block signal was bypassed for one reason or another. Why hasn't the DOT/NTSB invoked an auto braking device when a red block signal is bypassed. Or at least the Traffic Control Center invoked such a device. A simple fix would on the traffic signal itself would relay to the control center and activate the braking device on the train. With all our tracking and satellite devices, this should be a mandatory solution to alleviate these rear or headon collisions between rail traffic. The cost of implementing this type of system should be offset by the cost of eliminating one mishap let alone the number we have had in the past number of years. Thank you, My work number is 719-554-5731.

Today's problem is not new....it's been going on as long as teens. Maybe a larger scale today because the population is larger and the distractions even more so.

How about RESPONSIBILITY! How about ACCOUNTABILITY? These seem to be missing in today's generation. Maybe they need to resurface PARENTS!

I am a teen, 16 years old and I am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINED at the drivers education in America as a whole. Do not just blame teens for traffic accidents. Blame the entire drivers education system. American drivers ed is a joke. People are passing on the right, hogging the left lane, tailgating, not signaling when turning, etc. Drivers ed doesn't even teach you about the importance of avoiding doing the actions I listed above. It's the entire driver popoulation as a whole that needs to be reeducated. Where are the cops? Is speed-enforcement their only job? Bringing money to the state through traffic tickets? There was a truck in the passing lane the other day and the cop we passed didn't seem to give a crap.

The U.S. needs to adopt Germany's drivers ed program. Strict, intense-training. I can almost guarantee you that if we do that, more than a third of the Americans will not pass. Americans just suck at driving and I am deeply ashamed to be living in a country with such low driving standards.

Blame our below-standard drivers ed and blame our brainless police officers. THOSE are the issues that need to be addressed.

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