U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 3,1999 Document Re-Released for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Determination of Hot Running Emissions from FTP Bag Emissions Report Number EPA420-P-99-014 The Office of Mobile Sources, Assessment and Modeling Division, announces the re-release of "The Determination of Hot Running Emissions from FTP Bag Emissions" for stakeholder review and comment. This document, also known as M6.STE.002, is available at the MOBILE6 section of the OMS Web Site (http://www.epa.gov/oms/m6.htm). It is one of four documents (M6.STE.002, M6.STE.003, M6.EXH.001, and M6.EXH.002) that collectively describe the methodology and proposed findings on the in-use exhaust deterioration of 1981-1993 model year cars and trucks. This document (M6.STE.002) describes a methodology to separate FTP data into start and running emissions. This methodology is then applied in the other documents to estimate start and running emissions deterioration as a function of mileage. All four documents are being released concurrently for review. This document is being re-released since it is related to the other three. This document describes our efforts to develop a simple model for estimating hot running 505 (HR505) emissions from FTP data. The HR505 is an extra exhaust emissions "bag" performed immediately following the third "bag" of the standard FTP. This new "bag" is a duplicate in terms of speed/time to the first and third "bags". The only difference between the "bags" is the HR505 does not contain an engine start. The HR505 was developed to allow the separation of the emission effects of vehicle start with the effects of hot running operation. Comments on this report and its proposed use in MOBILE6 should be sent to the attention of David Brzezinski or Ed Glover. Comments may be submitted electronically to mobile@epa.gov, by fax to (734)214-4939, or by mail to MOBILE6 Review Comments, US EPA Assessment and Modeling Division, 2000 Traverwood Drive, Ann Arbor MI 48105. Electronic submission of comments is preferred. In your comments, please note clearly the document that you are commenting on including the report title and the code number listed. Please be sure to include your name, address, affiliation, and any other pertinent information. This document is being re-released and posted on May 3, 1999. Comments will be accepted for sixty (60) days. EPA will then review and consider all comments received, and will provide a summary of those comments and how we are responding to them in the form of a followup document. Thank you for your continuing interest in the development of MOBILE6. Sincerely, Emission Inventory Group, Assessment and Modeling Division US EPA Office of Mobile Sources