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Research Centers
Midwest Hazardous Substance Research Center

Purdue University - Main Campus

The mission of Midwest HSRC is to support collaborative research and technology transfer efforts within EPA regions 3,5, and 7 with a focus on integrated low cost remediation technologies that improve risk management by removing contaminants from the environment and restoring ecosystem quality, thereby enhancing site redevelopment options. This mission will be accomplished through an extensive university/EPA/industry partnership involving a multidisciplinary research program. The Midwest HSRC partnership arrangements are well developed, with many industrial-matching commitments. Comprehensive technology transfer and outreach programs will integrate new knowledge and technology into use by industry, communities, and government. The Midwest HSRC also has a strong commitment to diversity issues and will provide opportunities for minority students and faculty from three minority institutions to become involved in Midwest HSRC research, outreach, and technology transfer programs.

Center Publications:

Views: All publications Selected publication types Journal articles Publications submitted after final report

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Main Center Abstract and Reports:

Midwest Hazardous Substance Research Center
Midwest Hazardous Substance Research Center

Center Research Projects:

R828770C001 - Technical Outreach Services for Communities

R828770C002 - Technical Outreach Services for Native American Communities

R828770C003 - Sustainable Remediation

R828770C004 - Incorporating Natural Attenuation Into Design and Management Strategies For Contaminated Sites

R828770C005 - Metals Removal by Constructed Wetlands

R828770C006 - Adaptation of Subsurface Microbial Biofilm Communities in Response to Chemical Stressors

R828770C007 - Dewatering, Remediation, and Evaluation of Dredged Sediments

R828770C008 - Interaction of Various Plant Species with Microbial PCB-Degraders in Contaminated Soils

R828770C009 - Microbial Indicators of Bioremediation Potential and Success

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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