U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Inspector General

Audit Report

Rhode Island's One-Stop Readiness Under the Workforce Investment Act

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Report Title:  Rhode Island's One-Stop Readiness Under the Workforce Investment Act

Report Number:  02-99-209-03-320

Issue Date:  September 15, 1999

We conducted an audit of Rhode Island's One-Stop career center system, providing ETA with a snapshot as of April 23, 1999, of where Rhode Island stands in implementing the provisions of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). The audit objective was to assess the status of Rhode Island's One-Stop career center system relative to where it needs to be to meet WIA requirements, recognizing that the State has until July 1, 2000, to become fully compliant with WIA and that interim final regulations became effective after fieldwork was performed.

Overall, we concluded Rhode Island should meet the WIA requirement of having a One-Stop career center located in each local area and providing accessible services at One-Stop centers. However, Rhode Island needs to address the following issues:

The Director of the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training responded to the draft report on August 23, 1999, and generally concurred with our findings, acknowledging that changes need to be made in its existing systems to comply with WIA by July 1, 2000.

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