The Black Alone Population in the United States: March 2003 (PPL-185)

  1. Population by Sex and Age, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 1.1 - Both Sexes
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    Table 1.2 - Male
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    Table 1.3 - Female
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  2. Marital Status of the Population Age 15 Years and Over by Sex, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 2
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  3. Household Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Households: March 2003
    Table 3
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  4. Family and Nonfamily Household Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Households: March 2003
    Table 4
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  5. Households by Size and Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Households: March 2003
    Table 5
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  6. Families by Size and Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Families: March 2003
    Table 6
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  7. Educational Attainment of the Population 25 Years and Over by Sex, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 7.1 - Both Sexes
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    Table 7.2 - Male
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    Table 7.3 - Female
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  8. Foreign-Born Population by Sex, Citizenship Status, and Year of Entry, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 8.1 - Both Sexes
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    Table 8.2 - Male
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    Table 8.3 - Female
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  9. Labor Force Status of the Civilian Population 16 Years and Over by Sex, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 9
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  10. Employment Status of the Population 16 Years and Over in the Civilian Labor Force by Sex, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 10
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  11. Major Occupation Group of the Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over by Sex, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 11.1 - Both Sexes
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    Table 11.2 - Male
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    Table 11.3 - Female
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  12. Detailed Occupation of the Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over by Sex, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 12.1 - Both Sexes
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    Table 12.2 - Male
    PDF (51k) | Plain text (4k) | HTML (5k) | CSV (2k)
    Table 12.3 - Female
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  13. Earnings of Full-Time, Year-Round Workers 15 Years and Over in 2002 by Sex, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 13.1 - Both Sexes
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    Table 13.2 - Male
    PDF (51k) | Plain text (3k) | HTML (5k) | CSV (2k)
    Table 13.3 - Female
    PDF (51k) | Plain text (3k) | HTML (5k) | CSV (2k)
  14. Total Money Income in 2002 of Households by Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Households: March 2003
    Table 14.1 - Total households
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    Table 14.2 - Family households
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    Table 14.3 - Nonfamily households
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  15. Total Money Income in 2002 of Families by Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Families: March 2003
    Table 15.1 - Total families with money income
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    Table 15.2 - Married-couple with money income
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    Table 15.3 - Female householder, no spouse present
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    Table 15.4 - Male householder, no spouse present
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  16. Poverty Status of the Population in 2002 by Age and Sex, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic: March 2003
    Table 16.1 - Both Sexes
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    Table 16.2 - Male
    PDF (55k) | Plain text (4k) | HTML (6k) | CSV (2k)
    Table 16.3 - Female
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  17. Poverty Status of Families in 2002 by Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Families: March 2003
    Table 17
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  18. Housing Tenure by Household Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Households: March 2003
    Table 18
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  19. Housing Tenure by Family Type, for Black Alone and White Alone, Not Hispanic Families: March 2003
    Table 19
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  20. Population by Region, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin, With Percent Distribution by Race and Hispanic Origin: March 2003
    Table 20
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  21. Population by Region, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin, With Percent Distribution by Race and Hispanic Origin: March 2003
    Table 21
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