Black Population in the U.S. March 1997 (Update)
List of Tables

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Table 1. Selected Social Characteristics of the Population, by Sex, Region, and Race: March 1997 (17k)
Includes: All races; Black; White, not Hispanic; Five-year Age Groups; Special Age Categories; Median Age; Marital Status; Educational Attainment; Type of Family; and Families with Householder 55 Years and Over
Table 2. Selected Economic Characteristics of Persons and Families, by Sex and Race: March 1997 (8k)
Includes: All races; Black; White, not Hispanic; Civilian Labor Force Status; Occupation; Class of Worker; Income of Persons in 1996; Per Capita Income in 1996; Income of Families in 1996; and Poverty Status of Families in 1996
Table 3. Distribution of the Population, by Region, Residence, Sex, and Race: March 1997 (7k)
Includes: All races; Black; White, not Hispanic; and Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan Residence
Table 4. Marital Status of Persons 15 Years Old and Over, by Age, Sex, Region, and Race: March 1997 (7k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; and Special Age Groups
Table 5. Selected Characteristics of Households, by Type, Region, and Race of Householder: March 1997 (14k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; Family households; Nonfamily households; Size of Household; Age of Householder; Related Children Under 18 Years; and Own Children Under 18 Years
Table 6. Selected Characteristics of Families, by Type, Region, and Race of Householder: March 1997 (15k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; Married-couple families; Other families; Size of Family; Age of Householder; Number of Earners; Related Children Under 18 Years; Own Children Under 18 Years; and Own Children Under 6 Years
Table 7. Educational Attainment of Persons 25 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Region, and Race: March 1997 (12k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; and Special Age Groups
Table 8. Total Money Income in 1996 of Persons 15 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Region, and Race (10k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; All persons; Year-round, full-time workers; and Median income
Table 9a. Total Money Income in 1996 of Persons 25 Years Old and Over, by Educational Attainment, Sex, Region, and Race (20k)
Includes: Black; Median income
Table 9b. Total Money Income in 1996 of Persons 25 Years Old and Over, by Educational Attainment, Sex, Region, and Race (20k)
Includes: White, not Hispanic; Median income
Table 10. Total Money Income in 1996 of Families, by Family Type, Earner Status, Region, and Race (8k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; All families; Married-couple families; Other families; and Median income
Table 11. Total Money Earnings in 1996 of Persons 15 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Region, and Race (10k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; All persons; Year-round, full-time workers; and Median earnings
Table 12a. Total Money Earnings in 1996 of Persons 25 Years Old and Over, by Educational Attainment, Sex, Region, and Race (28k)
Includes: Black; All persons; Year-round, full-time workers; and Median earnings
Table 12b. Total Money Earnings in 1996 of Persons 25 Years Old and Over, by Educational Attainment, Sex, Region, and Race (29k)
Includes: White, not Hispanic; All persons; Year-round, full-time workers; and Median earnings
Table 13. Occupation of Longest Job in 1996 of Year-Round, Full-Time Workers 25 Years Old and Over, by Total Money Median Earnings, Educational Attainment, Sex, and Race (18k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; and Black-to-White, not Hispanic Ratio
Table 14. Educational Attainment of Year-Round, Full-Time Workers 25 Years Old and Over, by Occupation of Longest Job in 1996, Sex, and Race (7k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic
Table 15. Selected Characteristics of the Population Below the Poverty Level in 1996, by Region and Race (21k)
Includes: Black; White, not Hispanic; Sex; Special Age Groups; Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan Residence; Family Status; Poverty Status of Families by Type of Family; Related Children Under 18 Years in Families; and Civilian Noninstitutionalized Work Experience in 1996
Table 16. Selected Social and Economic Characteristics of the White Population in the United States: March 1997 (18k)
Includes: Regions; Sex; Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan Residence; Five-year Age Groups; Special Age Categories; Median Age; Marital Status; Educational Attainment; Type of Family; Size of Family; Age of Family Householder; Number of Earners in Families; Related Children Under 18 Years; Own Children Under 18 Years; Own Children under 6 Years; Labor Force Status; Occupation; Class of Worker; Income of Persons; Per Capita Income; Median Earnings of Persons; Income of Families; Median Income of Families; Household Relationship by Poverty Level; and Work Experience by Poverty Level