U.S. Census Bureau
Current Population Survey (CPS)
A joint effort between the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau

Annual Social and Economic (ASEC) Supplement

There is also additional background information for this table group.

Contents for Table

FINC-01. Selected Characteristics of Families by Total Money Income in 2007

[Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2008 Annual Social and Economic Supplement. Numbers in thousands. Families as of March of the following year. A.O.I.C. stands for alone or in combination]


  Total Under $2,500 $2,500 to $4,999 $5,000 to $7,499 $7,500 to $9,999 $10,000 to $12,499 $12,500 to $14,999 $15,000 to $17,499 $17,500 to $19,999 $20,000 to $22,499

Black A.O.I.C.
All Families 9,506 341 212 259 282 319 325 364 295 335

Inside metropolitan statistical areas
8,494 299 197 217 248 287 249 314 248 269
  Inside principal cities 4,709 227 148 133 159 208 166 199 165 175
  Outside principal cities 3,785 72 48 83 89 79 83 115 83 94
Outside metropolitan statistical areas 5/ 1,011 42 16 42 35 31 76 50 46 66

1,656 43 60 48 41 64 52 51 56 64
Midwest 1,721 83 54 62 49 55 52 89 64 46
South 5,217 193 82 127 162 179 208 200 161 206
West 912 22 17 21 30 22 13 24 14 19

All Primary Families
9,506 341 212 259 282 319 325 364 295 335
 Married-couple families 4,461 37 17 37 31 45 62 68 77 102
  Wife in paid labor force 2,988 3 1 8 7 4 12 13 25 37
  Wife not in paid labor force 1,473 34 15 29 23 41 50 55 52 65
 Male householder,
  no wife present
827 36 18 24 33 38 36 32 40 34
 Female householder,
  no husband present
4,218 269 177 198 218 236 228 264 178 199
Unrelated Subfamilies 35 3 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 2

Under 65 years
8,474 324 203 232 251 264 273 302 246 292
  15 to 24 years 694 66 48 60 44 41 34 59 25 27
  25 to 34 years 1,913 121 76 75 64 96 66 104 63 95
  35 to 44 years 2,380 55 38 40 53 54 75 56 75 73
  45 to 54 years 2,151 45 27 39 57 38 49 43 39 62
  55 to 64 years 1,336 37 14 20 32 35 49 40 44 35
65 years and over 1,031 18 10 26 31 55 52 61 48 43
  65 to 74 years 659 11 8 19 19 30 35 44 17 25
  75 years and over 372 7 2 8 12 25 17 18 32 18
Mean age of householder
44.7 37.4 35.6 39.0 42.3 43.1 45.3 42.6 45.7 43.4

No related children
3,623 59 20 57 95 91 96 113 112 107
One or more related children 5,883 283 192 202 188 227 229 251 183 228
  All under 6 years 1,212 86 65 51 49 50 42 49 45 59
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 1,403 84 50 55 55 77 66 62 44 56
  All 6 to 17 years 3,267 113 77 96 84 100 121 139 94 113
 One child 2,647 106 91 89 90 108 104 104 82 96
  Under 6 years 837 50 40 33 31 38 21 35 30 36
  6 to 17 years 1,810 56 51 56 59 70 82 69 52 60
 Two children or more 3,235 177 101 112 97 119 126 147 101 132
  All under 6 years 375 36 25 18 18 11 21 14 15 23
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 1,403 84 50 55 55 77 66 62 44 56
  All 6 to 17 years 1,457 57 26 40 25 31 38 71 42 53
Mean number of related children
1.22 1.80 1.81 1.55 1.35 1.45 1.45 1.52 1.30 1.33

Two people
3,802 135 93 118 150 154 145 177 140 147
Three people 2,478 92 66 76 70 76 77 79 68 83
Four people 1,794 57 27 32 34 46 55 63 55 52
Five people 838 32 11 19 12 29 31 26 21 43
Six people 350 12 7 12 9 8 9 7 1 4
Seven people or more 244 13 8 2 8 6 7 12 11 6
Mean size of family
3.41 3.40 3.19 3.16 3.08 3.31 3.26 3.27 3.24 3.35

No earners
1,484 287 127 120 133 103 131 103 74 48
One earner 3,988 54 84 131 135 201 180 232 184 229
Two earners or more 4,034 0 1 8 14 15 14 28 37 57
 two earners 3,266 0 1 8 14 15 14 28 35 52
 three earners 604 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4
 four earners or more 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Mean number of earners
1.45 0.16 0.42 0.59 0.61 0.82 0.68 0.80 0.94 1.11

9,506 341 212 259 282 319 325 364 295 335
Worked 6,897 47 75 108 125 168 176 231 182 238
 Worked at full time jobs 5,994 11 38 52 66 106 131 169 148 199
      50 weeks or more 5,081 3 6 20 33 64 82 125 115 164
      27 to 49 weeks 547 3 5 14 13 25 30 29 20 28
      26 weeks or less 366 4 27 18 19 18 19 15 13 6
 Worked at part time jobs 903 36 37 56 59 62 45 61 34 40
      50 weeks or more 476 7 8 29 26 26 30 41 18 18
      27 to 49 weeks 204 2 6 9 21 17 10 7 6 13
      26 weeks or less 224 27 23 18 12 20 5 14 9 8
Did not work 2,608 295 137 151 157 150 150 133 113 97

Total, 25 yrs & over
8,812 275 165 199 238 278 292 305 269 308
Less than 9th grade 298 21 9 7 10 32 26 26 17 18
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 1,039 62 39 52 82 61 79 61 37 49
High school graduate
(includes equivalency)
2,923 127 70 81 92 126 94 120 121 103
Some college, no degree 1,901 47 25 32 31 35 63 58 56 101
Associate degree 901 13 14 15 17 11 14 21 20 28
Bachelor's degree or more 1,750 5 8 12 6 13 15 19 18 9
  Bachelor's degree 1,198 2 8 6 6 11 15 15 15 9
  Master's degree 449 3 0 5 0 1 0 0 3 0
  Professional degree 51 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
  Doctorate degree 51 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0


  $22,500 to $24,999 $25,000 to $27,499 $27,500 to $29,999 $30,000 to $32,499 $32,500 to $34,999 $35,000 to $37,499 $37,500 to $39,999 $40,000 to $42,499 $42,500 to $44,999 $45,000 to $47,499

Black A.O.I.C.
All Families 300 327 252 333 243 291 247 297 187 219

Inside metropolitan statistical areas
239 275 230 289 217 267 216 267 175 193
  Inside principal cities 127 159 135 170 128 141 127 147 106 92
  Outside principal cities 111 116 95 118 89 125 89 120 69 101
Outside metropolitan statistical areas 5/ 62 52 22 44 26 24 31 30 13 27

38 41 57 62 47 50 44 55 26 41
Midwest 66 50 38 49 42 65 36 44 26 50
South 175 212 137 190 136 140 138 167 115 97
West 21 24 20 32 19 36 30 31 21 32

All Primary Families
300 327 252 333 243 291 247 297 187 219
 Married-couple families 86 115 71 110 100 127 106 144 107 114
  Wife in paid labor force 29 47 36 41 49 66 59 78 70 81
  Wife not in paid labor force 58 68 34 70 51 61 46 66 37 33
 Male householder,
  no wife present
25 23 30 25 16 50 21 33 13 17
 Female householder,
  no husband present
189 189 151 197 127 114 121 119 67 88
Unrelated Subfamilies 1 0 2 0 2 5 2 5 0 0

Under 65 years
259 284 202 289 197 258 222 268 158 206
  15 to 24 years 19 22 13 28 16 33 8 15 8 12
  25 to 34 years 82 83 44 71 45 61 60 69 28 21
  35 to 44 years 67 71 83 92 58 69 68 80 50 75
  45 to 54 years 63 65 37 58 54 65 47 63 47 58
  55 to 64 years 28 44 24 41 24 31 40 41 25 41
65 years and over 42 43 50 44 46 32 25 28 30 13
  65 to 74 years 32 26 23 27 27 23 10 21 18 9
  75 years and over 10 17 28 17 19 10 15 8 12 4
Mean age of householder
44.0 44.8 47.0 44.4 47.2 43.5 45.3 44.5 47.9 45.5

No related children
81 104 98 116 116 106 83 114 97 81
One or more related children 219 223 154 217 128 184 164 182 90 138
  All under 6 years 46 36 25 35 34 44 26 39 12 20
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 58 74 27 60 23 31 37 47 27 40
  All 6 to 17 years 115 113 102 122 71 109 101 97 51 79
 One child 101 73 75 100 66 94 72 88 39 55
  Under 6 years 32 26 17 32 28 34 16 31 9 20
  6 to 17 years 68 47 58 68 37 60 56 57 30 35
 Two children or more 119 150 79 117 62 90 92 94 51 83
  All under 6 years 13 11 7 3 6 10 10 8 3 0
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 58 74 27 60 23 31 37 47 27 40
  All 6 to 17 years 47 66 45 54 34 49 45 40 21 44
Mean number of related children
1.45 1.53 1.12 1.30 0.90 1.11 1.41 1.23 0.90 1.37

Two people
121 122 127 143 113 117 86 133 70 78
Three people 78 100 72 76 69 90 73 72 59 60
Four people 63 47 32 68 44 55 43 39 38 43
Five people 21 30 10 25 12 17 21 38 12 17
Six people 12 17 7 10 5 7 20 10 9 7
Seven people or more 5 12 4 11 1 5 5 5 0 15
Mean size of family
3.39 3.49 3.15 3.43 3.21 3.21 3.66 3.42 3.46 3.50

No earners
47 47 33 26 32 20 21 21 11 11
One earner 207 210 159 237 134 180 124 166 74 102
Two earners or more 47 71 60 70 77 91 102 110 102 106
 two earners 41 67 58 64 71 80 87 105 89 87
 three earners 6 4 0 4 6 10 12 3 10 18
 four earners or more 0 0 1 2 0 2 3 2 2 0
Mean number of earners
1.09 1.14 1.19 1.21 1.32 1.34 1.55 1.40 1.69 1.61

300 327 252 333 243 291 247 297 187 219
Worked 221 244 189 249 174 208 192 231 139 175
 Worked at full time jobs 189 218 170 229 140 189 174 207 125 157
      50 weeks or more 144 184 142 192 118 158 135 185 112 143
      27 to 49 weeks 26 26 14 29 13 14 15 15 9 10
      26 weeks or less 19 8 14 8 9 17 24 7 4 3
 Worked at part time jobs 32 26 19 19 35 19 17 24 14 19
      50 weeks or more 16 20 15 11 19 15 3 13 4 9
      27 to 49 weeks 7 3 4 7 9 2 5 8 3 8
      26 weeks or less 10 2 0 1 7 2 9 3 6 2
Did not work 79 84 63 84 69 83 56 65 48 44

Total, 25 yrs & over
281 306 239 305 227 258 239 281 179 208
Less than 9th grade 14 17 10 13 3 6 9 9 1 4
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 37 52 35 49 37 25 27 16 27 19
High school graduate
(includes equivalency)
107 129 94 100 99 98 96 112 54 67
Some college, no degree 57 61 44 80 40 64 56 68 57 63
Associate degree 41 23 19 23 24 37 30 29 12 18
Bachelor's degree or more 24 24 36 40 23 28 22 47 29 37
  Bachelor's degree 18 19 27 30 19 20 14 37 23 35
  Master's degree 6 2 9 10 3 4 7 10 6 2
  Professional degree 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
  Doctorate degree 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0


  $47,500 to $49,999 $50,000 to $52,499 $52,500 to $54,999 $55,000 to $57,499 $57,500 to $59,999 $60,000 to $62,499 $62,500 to $64,999 $65,000 to $67,499 $67,500 to $69,999 $70,000 to $72,499

Black A.O.I.C.
All Families 181 253 156 220 146 222 100 150 124 178

Inside metropolitan statistical areas
160 225 148 210 132 204 90 131 106 167
  Inside principal cities 96 116 80 95 64 113 40 54 55 93
  Outside principal cities 64 109 68 115 67 91 50 78 51 73
Outside metropolitan statistical areas 5/ 21 27 8 10 14 18 10 18 18 11

41 34 32 37 34 25 13 24 19 34
Midwest 23 47 28 39 28 36 27 29 25 29
South 102 138 80 125 74 120 53 79 65 100
West 15 33 16 19 10 41 7 17 15 16

All Primary Families
181 253 156 220 146 222 100 150 124 178
 Married-couple families 89 138 99 133 87 142 69 100 86 125
  Wife in paid labor force 65 93 77 85 59 98 56 79 66 98
  Wife not in paid labor force 24 45 22 48 28 44 13 21 20 28
 Male householder,
  no wife present
10 29 10 21 8 29 4 10 11 11
 Female householder,
  no husband present
83 86 47 66 51 51 27 39 27 42
Unrelated Subfamilies 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Under 65 years
150 231 140 193 135 208 95 140 112 162
  15 to 24 years 5 9 5 8 3 14 4 4 4 5
  25 to 34 years 18 46 26 28 21 39 9 24 22 35
  35 to 44 years 50 63 32 49 43 72 28 43 22 50
  45 to 54 years 46 72 41 73 41 49 44 49 43 46
  55 to 64 years 32 40 36 36 27 34 10 20 20 26
65 years and over 30 22 16 27 11 14 5 10 12 16
  65 to 74 years 25 14 13 22 4 7 2 10 10 13
  75 years and over 6 8 3 5 7 7 3 0 1 4
Mean age of householder
49.1 46.0 47.6 48.3 46.4 43.8 45.6 45.3 46.6 45.2

No related children
86 99 69 121 63 115 41 63 56 87
One or more related children 95 154 87 99 83 107 59 86 68 91
  All under 6 years 15 30 15 18 13 30 15 7 8 15
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 10 31 18 16 11 22 11 18 18 16
  All 6 to 17 years 70 94 54 64 59 56 33 62 42 60
 One child 59 74 50 55 47 51 29 31 33 33
  Under 6 years 15 22 10 13 9 24 12 2 8 13
  6 to 17 years 44 52 40 42 38 28 17 29 25 20
 Two children or more 36 80 37 44 36 56 30 55 35 57
  All under 6 years 0 8 5 6 4 6 3 5 0 3
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 10 31 18 16 11 22 11 18 18 16
  All 6 to 17 years 26 42 14 22 21 28 16 32 17 39
Mean number of related children
0.97 1.07 1.01 0.75 0.92 0.92 1.04 1.19 1.00 0.99

Two people
76 97 61 114 53 105 23 47 35 64
Three people 67 71 49 49 41 49 45 35 38 31
Four people 15 43 26 38 39 29 20 36 34 40
Five people 11 29 10 6 7 30 5 17 9 22
Six people 7 7 7 8 2 5 3 10 5 19
Seven people or more 5 6 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 2
Mean size of family
3.37 3.27 3.40 3.09 3.46 3.22 3.55 3.58 3.56 3.69

No earners
4 12 5 16 13 6 0 0 2 2
One earner 67 120 53 70 38 85 21 49 29 46
Two earners or more 110 120 97 134 95 131 79 101 92 130
 two earners 93 107 89 114 78 115 67 86 71 97
 three earners 17 11 8 12 14 12 12 14 21 20
 four earners or more 0 1 0 8 3 4 0 0 0 13
Mean number of earners
1.82 1.53 1.80 1.80 1.79 1.71 2.04 1.80 2.04 2.11

181 253 156 220 146 222 100 150 124 178
Worked 146 198 129 187 120 167 92 131 100 153
 Worked at full time jobs 139 177 112 174 117 153 84 119 93 144
      50 weeks or more 121 155 104 155 90 134 77 109 80 129
      27 to 49 weeks 13 13 2 13 16 18 3 3 4 10
      26 weeks or less 6 9 6 6 11 1 4 8 8 5
 Worked at part time jobs 8 21 16 14 3 14 8 12 7 9
      50 weeks or more 7 14 5 11 3 6 1 9 7 7
      27 to 49 weeks 0 4 4 0 0 3 6 2 0 0
      26 weeks or less 1 3 7 3 0 6 1 1 0 2
Did not work 34 55 27 33 26 55 8 19 23 24

Total, 25 yrs & over
175 243 151 212 143 208 96 146 120 173
Less than 9th grade 4 2 1 4 2 2 2 4 0 2
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 15 11 3 9 8 14 13 14 0 19
High school graduate
(includes equivalency)
59 86 52 71 50 59 26 47 51 45
Some college, no degree 42 53 44 54 35 44 28 30 29 34
Associate degree 18 26 20 19 14 28 12 23 13 25
Bachelor's degree or more 37 65 31 54 34 61 15 29 27 48
  Bachelor's degree 29 50 22 39 26 37 9 21 23 36
  Master's degree 8 16 5 15 6 24 5 6 2 12
  Professional degree 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
  Doctorate degree 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0


  $72,500 to $74,999 $75,000 to $77,499 $77,500 to $79,999 $80,000 to $82,499 $82,500 to $84,999 $85,000 to $87,499 $87,500 to $89,999 $90,000 to $92,499 $92,500 to $94,999 $95,000 to $97,499

Black A.O.I.C.
All Families 107 124 90 144 101 132 83 121 70 85

Inside metropolitan statistical areas
92 113 86 134 95 127 80 115 67 83
  Inside principal cities 40 59 36 63 45 64 35 56 34 41
  Outside principal cities 52 54 51 71 49 63 45 60 32 41
Outside metropolitan statistical areas 5/ 15 11 4 10 6 5 3 5 4 2

12 21 20 38 9 18 8 19 20 13
Midwest 23 19 18 18 14 22 14 26 14 12
South 68 70 47 81 71 70 51 58 29 45
West 5 14 5 8 6 22 9 17 7 15

All Primary Families
107 124 90 144 101 132 83 121 70 85
 Married-couple families 77 74 68 96 70 107 70 92 59 71
  Wife in paid labor force 63 57 52 83 53 89 60 78 53 65
  Wife not in paid labor force 13 17 15 13 17 18 10 14 7 6
 Male householder,
  no wife present
9 11 6 17 1 10 5 8 2 4
 Female householder,
  no husband present
22 38 17 31 30 15 8 21 9 10
Unrelated Subfamilies 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Under 65 years
99 110 83 136 92 124 79 110 63 79
  15 to 24 years 4 6 4 8 1 1 2 3 0 2
  25 to 34 years 14 21 17 25 16 20 8 29 9 2
  35 to 44 years 31 33 25 36 28 42 37 20 24 33
  45 to 54 years 36 35 24 39 26 41 25 41 20 25
  55 to 64 years 13 16 13 29 22 19 7 17 10 17
65 years and over 8 14 8 7 9 8 4 11 7 6
  65 to 74 years 5 12 7 6 6 4 3 9 5 3
  75 years and over 4 3 1 1 3 4 0 2 2 3
Mean age of householder
45.5 46.2 44.4 44.9 47.7 46.1 44.5 46.0 46.6 48.0

No related children
58 50 49 67 52 76 32 55 30 37
One or more related children 49 74 42 77 49 56 51 66 40 48
  All under 6 years 7 18 5 13 7 16 5 5 10 8
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 7 12 15 13 6 5 6 24 12 16
  All 6 to 17 years 35 44 22 52 36 34 40 37 18 25
 One child 28 37 20 32 29 19 18 18 19 18
  Under 6 years 7 13 5 8 7 8 3 2 7 5
  6 to 17 years 21 25 15 24 22 11 15 17 12 13
 Two children or more 21 37 22 45 20 37 33 48 21 30
  All under 6 years 0 5 0 5 0 8 2 4 3 3
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 7 12 15 13 6 5 6 24 12 16
  All 6 to 17 years 14 19 7 28 14 23 25 21 6 11
Mean number of related children
0.80 1.11 0.87 1.06 0.81 0.93 1.19 1.14 1.17 1.09

Two people
47 40 32 36 49 54 22 43 26 27
Three people 32 34 24 51 20 27 21 24 16 19
Four people 7 25 20 36 20 27 28 25 13 26
Five people 13 15 6 11 6 13 9 20 10 4
Six people 5 6 6 4 4 9 2 7 0 8
Seven people or more 4 4 2 5 1 2 1 2 6 2
Mean size of family
3.18 3.56 3.67 3.80 3.26 3.42 3.35 3.60 3.96 3.47

No earners
1 2 3 2 5 3 0 3 1 3
One earner 18 37 26 32 16 14 14 24 18 4
Two earners or more 88 85 62 110 79 115 69 94 51 78
 two earners 74 69 49 88 68 81 50 71 39 60
 three earners 9 13 7 18 11 29 13 21 8 17
 four earners or more 5 4 6 5 0 4 6 1 4 1
Mean number of earners
1.97 1.90 2.09 2.02 2.01 2.23 1.94 2.06 2.14 2.17

107 124 90 144 101 132 83 121 70 85
Worked 98 110 72 119 85 115 77 105 52 81
 Worked at full time jobs 88 104 67 112 81 106 69 96 51 78
      50 weeks or more 75 96 64 106 75 98 58 80 47 75
      27 to 49 weeks 6 6 2 3 4 8 10 13 2 2
      26 weeks or less 7 1 0 2 2 0 2 4 2 1
 Worked at part time jobs 10 7 5 8 4 9 8 9 2 2
      50 weeks or more 6 2 0 8 2 8 6 3 0 2
      27 to 49 weeks 4 2 5 0 1 1 2 6 2 0
      26 weeks or less 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Did not work 9 14 18 25 16 17 5 16 18 4

Total, 25 yrs & over
103 118 86 136 100 131 81 118 70 83
Less than 9th grade 0 7 4 2 0 0 0 2 2 1
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 12 10 12 5 8 2 0 2 2 4
High school graduate
(includes equivalency)
27 38 19 38 24 36 18 31 15 23
Some college, no degree 24 29 16 35 24 37 25 24 20 12
Associate degree 17 5 16 23 14 13 14 11 10 16
Bachelor's degree or more 23 28 20 33 30 42 24 48 21 27
  Bachelor's degree 15 23 17 23 21 28 19 29 15 23
  Master's degree 6 4 3 9 7 14 4 18 5 2
  Professional degree 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1
  Doctorate degree 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0


    Median income Mean income   Gini ratio
$97,500 to $99,999 $100,000 and over Value (Dol.) Standard error (Dol.) Value (Dol.) Standard error (Dol.) B-Cell Ratio Standard error

Black A.O.I.C.
All Families 64 1,227 40,222 482 53,789 716 1,245 0.455 0.0090

Inside metropolitan statistical areas
60 1,175 41,746 482 55,705 784 1,245 0.452 0.0095
  Inside principal cities 23 493 35,930 677 48,971 1,008 1,245 0.473 0.0130
  Outside principal cities 38 682 51,105 784 64,082 1,216 1,245 0.418 0.0140
Outside metropolitan statistical areas 5/ 3 52 26,896 1,346 37,693 1,551 1,868 0.440 0.0342

12 232 40,473 1,132 59,714 2,682 1,307 0.479 0.0233
Midwest 10 203 37,424 1,235 49,018 1,357 1,282 0.457 0.0206
South 36 631 39,339 751 51,903 847 1,345 0.446 0.0125
West 6 162 48,692 2,045 62,822 2,281 1,370 0.428 0.0300

All Primary Families
64 1,227 40,222 482 53,789 716 1,245 0.455 0.0090
 Married-couple families 53 1,001 62,290 891 73,334 984 1,245 0.357 0.0126
  Wife in paid labor force 45 848 74,551 1,244 85,119 1,279 1,245 0.308 0.0154
  Wife not in paid labor force 9 152 39,159 1,107 49,428 1,193 1,245 0.406 0.0226
 Male householder,
  no wife present
1 67 35,145 1,478 42,543 1,393 1,245 0.431 0.0292
 Female householder,
  no husband present
9 160 24,372 479 35,322 1,105 1,245 0.502 0.0164
Unrelated Subfamilies 0 0 (B) (B) (B) (B) (B) (B) (B)

Under 65 years
57 1,147 41,296 479 54,801 760 1,245 0.454 0.0095
  15 to 24 years 0 25 17,311 913 27,935 1,483 1,245 0.520 0.0350
  25 to 34 years 7 156 29,327 1,241 44,200 1,855 1,245 0.505 0.0216
  35 to 44 years 24 362 46,026 908 59,827 1,499 1,245 0.421 0.0178
  45 to 54 years 13 367 52,711 1,291 63,119 1,379 1,245 0.407 0.0183
  55 to 64 years 13 237 49,478 1,477 61,581 1,678 1,245 0.423 0.0234
65 years and over 6 81 31,997 1,006 45,470 2,126 1,245 0.450 0.0295
  65 to 74 years 6 53 33,854 1,353 48,637 3,115 1,245 0.447 0.0371
  75 years and over 0 28 29,419 1,100 39,853 2,016 1,245 0.419 0.0477
Mean age of householder
47.4 46.7 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)

No related children
23 547 49,353 952 59,203 901 1,245 0.403 0.0140
One or more related children 41 680 35,247 654 50,455 1,012 1,245 0.485 0.0118
  All under 6 years 5 134 30,207 1,636 45,492 2,035 1,245 0.522 0.0261
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 9 137 29,445 1,562 47,699 2,358 1,245 0.520 0.0256
  All 6 to 17 years 26 408 39,073 788 53,479 1,311 1,245 0.455 0.0155
 One child 21 295 36,059 762 50,395 1,570 1,245 0.476 0.0177
  Under 6 years 5 83 32,199 1,333 46,458 2,682 1,245 0.499 0.0321
  6 to 17 years 16 212 38,032 1,035 52,215 1,931 1,245 0.464 0.0213
 Two children or more 20 385 34,128 1,216 50,504 1,318 1,245 0.493 0.0158
  All under 6 years 0 52 23,724 1,955 43,339 2,727 1,245 0.544 0.0443
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 9 137 29,445 1,562 47,699 2,358 1,245 0.520 0.0256
  All 6 to 17 years 10 197 40,439 1,295 55,050 1,697 1,245 0.444 0.0228
Mean number of related children
1.15 1.07 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)

Two people
14 368 35,303 743 47,525 943 1,245 0.459 0.0143
Three people 21 280 39,846 958 52,776 1,581 1,245 0.448 0.0180
Four people 16 337 48,349 2,175 62,833 1,904 1,245 0.440 0.0201
Five people 9 149 46,395 2,935 63,082 2,464 1,245 0.450 0.0299
Six people 1 54 48,789 3,785 59,413 2,898 1,245 0.402 0.0447
Seven people or more 2 40 45,086 4,104 55,186 3,470 1,245 0.451 0.0535
Mean size of family
3.98 3.71 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)

No earners
0 6 11,839 523 16,274 516 1,245 0.514 0.0226
One earner 10 171 29,806 494 39,943 1,106 1,245 0.439 0.0165
Two earners or more 53 1,051 70,920 683 81,275 1,080 1,245 0.316 0.0132
 two earners 38 744 66,512 926 77,280 1,235 1,245 0.321 0.0148
 three earners 13 222 86,884 1,522 94,456 2,142 1,245 0.274 0.0339
 four earners or more 2 84 100,000 (NA) 112,255 4,856 1,245 0.188 0.0651
Mean number of earners
2.48 2.28 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)

64 1,227 40,222 482 53,789 716 1,245 0.455 0.0090
Worked 52 1,133 48,805 791 62,658 924 1,245 0.415 0.0105
 Worked at full time jobs 52 1,060 51,978 636 66,302 1,028 1,245 0.394 0.0112
      50 weeks or more 46 980 55,532 667 70,011 1,169 1,245 0.379 0.0122
      27 to 49 weeks 5 53 34,893 2,383 48,710 2,013 1,245 0.428 0.0376
      26 weeks or less 0 28 30,744 2,677 41,075 2,556 1,245 0.475 0.0476
 Worked at part time jobs 1 73 24,203 1,361 38,480 1,519 1,245 0.500 0.0299
      50 weeks or more 1 38 27,315 1,753 40,828 2,007 1,245 0.479 0.0411
      27 to 49 weeks 0 17 27,988 4,009 39,907 2,871 1,245 0.457 0.0580
      26 weeks or less 0 18 16,376 1,758 32,192 3,502 1,245 0.599 0.0667
Did not work 11 94 20,467 716 30,337 697 1,245 0.507 0.0169

Total, 25 yrs & over
64 1,202 41,964 465 55,824 758 1,245 0.444 0.0093
Less than 9th grade 0 4 19,931 1,360 26,777 1,500 1,245 0.431 0.0488
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 1 29 22,359 1,042 30,292 1,014 1,245 0.463 0.0273
High school graduate
(includes equivalency)
19 199 34,971 765 44,782 1,048 1,245 0.439 0.0164
Some college, no degree 14 205 43,826 1,062 55,733 1,982 1,245 0.417 0.0205
Associate degree 9 151 52,466 1,884 63,144 2,578 1,245 0.388 0.0280
Bachelor's degree or more 21 615 78,313 2,375 90,717 1,814 1,245 0.352 0.0199
  Bachelor's degree 18 344 70,877 1,474 80,480 1,690 1,245 0.342 0.0240
  Master's degree 2 206 91,163 3,047 104,061 3,990 1,245 0.245 0.0386
  Professional degree 0 29 (B) (B) (B) (B) (B) (B) (B)
  Doctorate degree 0 35 (B) (B) (B) (B) (B) (B) (B)


  Income per family member
(dol.) Standard error

Black A.O.I.C.
All Families 16,032 241

Inside metropolitan statistical areas
16,620 266
  Inside principal cities 14,629 347
  Outside principal cities 19,091 445
Outside metropolitan statistical areas 5/ 11,137 599

17,737 889
Midwest 14,916 526
South 15,383 306
West 18,723 899

All Primary Families
16,032 241
 Married-couple families 21,047 378
  Wife in paid labor force 23,792 506
  Wife not in paid labor force 15,001 504
 Male householder,
  no wife present
14,244 666
 Female householder,
  no husband present
10,734 363
Unrelated Subfamilies (B) (B)

Under 65 years
16,147 255
  15 to 24 years 9,537 616
  25 to 34 years 12,998 604
  35 to 44 years 16,581 503
  45 to 54 years 18,485 531
  55 to 64 years 19,183 709
65 years and over 14,973 827
  65 to 74 years 16,026 1,187
  75 years and over 13,110 932
Mean age of householder
(X) (X)

No related children
23,156 514
One or more related children 13,116 291
  All under 6 years 13,820 715
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 9,753 522
  All 6 to 17 years 14,837 421
 One child 16,720 599
  Under 6 years 15,738 1,049
  6 to 17 years 17,161 736
 Two children or more 11,153 325
  All under 6 years 10,702 819
  Some under 6, some 6 to 17 years 9,753 522
  All 6 to 17 years 12,794 477
Mean number of related children
(X) (X)

Two people
22,777 608
Three people 16,591 578
Four people 14,972 534
Five people 11,995 565
Six people 9,565 600
Seven people or more 6,847 531
Mean size of family
(X) (X)

No earners
5,595 225
One earner 12,702 391
Two earners or more 21,804 395
 two earners 22,550 488
 three earners 20,050 791
 four earners or more 18,450 1,339
Mean number of earners
(X) (X)

16,032 241
Worked 18,512 319
 Worked at full time jobs 19,493 358
      50 weeks or more 20,579 412
      27 to 49 weeks 14,755 842
      26 weeks or less 11,598 903
 Worked at part time jobs 11,752 586
      50 weeks or more 12,539 815
      27 to 49 weeks 12,428 1,213
      26 weeks or less 9,552 1,193
Did not work 9,258 265

Total, 25 yrs & over
16,474 255
Less than 9th grade 7,924 611
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 8,509 367
High school graduate
(includes equivalency)
12,971 364
Some college, no degree 16,514 674
Associate degree 19,203 978
Bachelor's degree or more 27,926 819
  Bachelor's degree 24,567 825
  Master's degree 32,554 1,905
  Professional degree (B) (B)
  Doctorate degree (B) (B)

Race Footnotes

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Contact: Demographic Call Center Staff at 301-763-2422 or 1-866-758-1060 (toll free)