Partnership and TrustThe U.S. Census Bureau's mission is to meet America's data needs by producing accurate, relevant statistics about the nation's economy and people. We recognize, however, that it is your information that we collect to produce these statistics, and that we are legally and morally obligated to protect your privacy and confidentiality.
In short, a partnership of trust exists between you and the Census Bureau. We recognize that you have entrusted your information to us, and our highest priority is to maintain your trust. The Census Bureau's approach to maintaining this trust is called Data Stewardship. Data Stewardship at WorkData Stewardship is the formal process we use to care for your information — from the beginning, when you answer a survey, to the end, when we release statistical data products. Data Stewardship goes beyond the law to ensure that any decisions we make will fulfill our ethical obligations to respect your privacy and protect the confidentiality of your information.
The Data Stewardship program ensures that we protect the information you provide, while enabling us to release high quality information about our population and the economy. |