Mission Statement

The Brazilian Generics Reverse Trade Mission (RTM)

Newark, New Jersey and Tampa, Florida Area USEAC's

April 1 - 7, 2001


Mission Description

The U.S. Department of Commerce, Commercial Service Brazil is organizing and leading a delegation of 30-40 business representatives from the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry to the Newark, New Jersey and Tampa, Florida areas to meet with potential U.S. suppliers of generic drugs, raw materials and equipment.

The primary objective of the RTM is to match U.S. firms with Brazilian companies that can act as qualified agents, distributors, representatives, licensees, end users, and joint venture partners in the pharmaceutical field. The overall market for pharmaceutical products in Brazil has expanded with the approval of the New Law of Generic Medicines in 1999. The incentives in the registration process for foreign made generic drugs encourage pharmaceutical companies from all over the world to participate in this new and unexplored segment.


Commercial Setting

The RTM will take place within the following context:

The Brazilian Generics Law was approved in 1999, and in a period of one year generic drugs reached only 1% of the total sales of the pharmaceutical sector. In order to sharply increase the participation of generic drugs in the market, the Brazilian government has simplified the registration process for generic drugs, as long as they are registered with international institutions such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This incentive is valid for a period of one year, starting January 2001. It is expected that imports of generic drugs as well as raw materials will increase dramatically to fulfill the drug demand. Currently, approximately 85% of the raw materials used in the production of generic drugs in Brazil are imported. The Brazilian government forecasts that in as little as 2-3 years, generic medicines will represent approximately 40% of the sales in this sector. Sales of generic drugs should also be further boosted by the fact that 75 medicine patents on best selling drugs will expire by 2004. The public health care systems in most Brazilian states are expected to purchase almost the entire production of generics to include them in social programs distributing medicines to the poorest.

Along with Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, Brazil forms the Southern Common Market - MERCOSUR. It is a large market covering more than 200 million people.


Mission Goal

To match U.S. and Brazilian companies in an effort to create new agent, distributor, representative, licensee, end users and joint venture relationships. The mission matchmaking is designed to benefit U.S. pharmaceutical firms particularly those engaged in the production of generic drugs to start or expand their operations in Brazil.

Mission Timetable

The RTM delegation will be in Newark, New Jersey on Monday, April 2, 2001 and Tuesday, April 3, 2001. The delegation will then be in Tampa, Florida from Wednesday, April 4, 2001 through Friday, April 6, 2001.

U.S. suppliers must register by March 16, 2001 for meetings with the delegation in NJ

and by March 20, 2001 for meetings in FL. The registration fee for NJ meetings is $35.

Criteria for Participant Selection

CS Brazil will follow the objectives of the mission statement to help recruit 30-40 Brazilian companies in the pharmaceutical sector. The selection of U.S. companies by the USEACs to meet with the Brazilian members will be based on the marketability of their goods and services in Brazil.

U.S. companies wishing to participate in the mission must certify that their goods and services are either manufactured or produced in the U.S. or if manufactured or produced outside, they must certify that the goods and services are marketed under the name of a U.S. firm and that the final product has at least 51% U.S. content.

Recruitment of U.S. firms to meet with the Brazilian RTM will be conducted in an open and public manner, including promotion through the Commercial Service network, press releases; and direct contact with trade associations and companies in the healthcare industry. This event will be listed on ITA’s home page.

Any partisan political activities (including political contributions) of a U.S. firm seeking to meet the members of the RTM are entirely irrelevant to the selection process.

Contact Information

Jefferson Oliveira, CS

U.S. Commercial Service

Rua Estados Unidos, 1812 São Paulo SP – 01427-002

Phone: 55-11-3897-4038

Fax: 55-11-3085-9626

E-mail: Jefferson.Oliveira@mail.doc.gov



Renato Sabaine

U.S. Commercial Service

Rua Estados Unidos, 1812 São Paulo SP – 01427-002

Phone: 55-11-3897-4010

Fax: 55-11-3062-8856

E-mail: Renato.Sabaine@mail.doc.gov

Dina Vulpis

International Trade Specialist

USEAC, Newark NJ

Phone: 973-645-4682, ext. 13

Fax: 973-645-4783

Email: dvulpis@mail.doc.gov

Matilde Amarchand

International Development

Tampa Chamber of Commerce

Phone: 813-276-9642

Fax: 813-221-6095

Email: mamarcha@tampachamber.com