Landslides: Events & Information
House damaged by the April 6, 2004 debris flow in Farmington, Utah.

Landslides are common natural hazards in Utah. They often strike without warning and can be destructive and costly. Common types of landslides in Utah are debris flows, slides, and rock falls.

Many landslides are associated with rising ground-water levels due to rainfall, snowmelt, and landscape irrigation.

Therefore, landslides in Utah typically move during the months of March, April, and May, although debris flows associated with intense thunderstorm rainfall are common in July.

Recent Landslide Events

Damaging Landslides 2001-2006

Landslide Map

Technical Reports

What, Why, and Where: General Information about Utah Landslides

Reduce Your Risk

The Utah Geological Survey’s Role

Dept of Natural Resources Dept of Natural Resources