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Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Nursing Home and Home Health Care

Number of nursing home residents (1999)...................................................................... 1,600,00059
Number of home health patients (2000).......................................................................... 1,460,00060
Discharges from nursing homes (1998-1999).................................................................. 2,500,00059
Discharges from home health agencies (2000)............................................................... 7,800,00060
Causes of nursing home discharges.............................................................................. recovery and stabilization (33%)
  admission to hospital (29%)
  death (24%)
Total cost of nursing home services.............................................................................. $110.8 billion61
Total cost of home health services................................................................................. $40 billion61
Portion of nursing home expenditures paid by Medicaid and Medicare............................... 60%
Portion of nursing home residents supported by Medicaid................................................ 70%62
Nursing home care differs by......................................................................................... race63
Groups more likely to live in nursing homes with limited resources.................................... Blacks64

This section highlights two core measures of nursing home quality of care—use of physical restraints and presence of pressure sores—and two measures of home health care quality—improvement in walking or moving around and episodes with acute care hospitalization.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care