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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


The National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR) is the product of collaboration among agencies across the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Many individuals guided and contributed to this report. Without their magnanimous support, this report would not have been possible.

Specifically, we thank:

Primary AHRQ Staff: Carolyn Clancy, Bill Munier, Katherine Crosson, Ernest Moy, Elizabeth Dayton, Dwight McNeill, James Burgdorf, Karen Ho, and Donna Rae Castillo.

HHS Interagency Work Groups for the NHQR/NHDR: Irma Arispe (CDC-NCHS), Hakan Aykan (ASPE), Amy Chanlongbutra (HRSA), Richard Conviser (HRSA), Martin Dannenfelser (ACF), Emily DeVoto (NIH), Agnes Davidson (OSOPHS), Brenda Evelyn (FDA), Anita Everett (SAMHSA), Kay Felix-Aaron (HRSA), Suzanne Feetham (HRSA), Yvette Fryer (HRSA), Olinda Gonzalez (SAMHSA), Miryam Granthon (HRSA), Saadia Greenberg (AoA), Lein Han (CMS), Trent Haywood (CMS), Tom Hertz (ASPE), Lisa Hines (CMS), Julia Holmes (CDC-NCHS), David Hunt (CMS), Deloris Hunter (NIH), Ruth Katz (ASPE), Richard Klein (CDC-NCHS), Lisa Koonin (CDC), Joel Levine (HRSA), Leopold Luberecki (ASL), Diane Makuc (CDC-NCHS), Ronald Manderscheid (SAMHSA), Saralyn Mark (OSOPHS), Marty McGeein (ASPE), Richard McNaney (CMS), Rebecca Middendorf (ASPE), Leo Nolan (IHS), Karen Oliver (NIH), Suzanne Proctor (CDC-NCHS), Susan Queen (HRSA), Michael Rapp (CMS), William Robinson (HRSA), Beatrice Rouse (SAMHSA), Colleen Ryan Smith (IHS), Paul Seligman (FDA), Sam Shekar (HRSA), Adelle Simmons (ASPE), Sunil Sinha (CMS), Phillip Smith (IHS), Caroline Taplin (ASPE), Emmanuel Taylor (NIH), Benedict Truman (CDC), Nadarajen Vydelingum (NIH), Valerie Welsh (OSOPHS), Dinah Wiley (OCR), and Barbara Wingrove (NIH).

AHRQ Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety NHQR/NHDR Team: Ernest Moy, Nicole Belanger, James Burgdorf, Denise Burgess, Elizabeth Dayton, Tina Ding, Daryl Gray, Sonja Hall, Karen Ho, Edward Kelley, Dwight McNeill, Anna Poker, Kathy Rowan, Judy Sangl, David Stevens, Nancy Wilson, Chunliu Zhan.

HHS Data Experts: Steven Cohen (AHRQ), Paul Eggers (NIH), Trena Ezzati-Rice (AHRQ), John Fleishman (AHRQ), Diane Frankenfield (CMS), Reem Ghandour (HRSA), Joe Gfroerer (SAMHSA), Edwin Huff (CMS), Kenneth Keppel (CDC-NCHS), Doris Lefkowitz (AHRQ), Lynn Ries (NIH).

Other AHRQ Contributors: Roxanne Andrews, Sepheen Byron, Fran Chevarley, Rosaly Correa, Denise Dougherty, Pamela Owens, Larry Patton, Denise Remus, Mary Rolston, Scott Rowe, Randie Siegel, Marc Zodet, Phyllis Zucker.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge the contributions of our colleague and friend, Daniel Stryer, who served as Director of AHRQ's Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety until his death earlier this year. His commitment to this report and to applying health services research to improve the health care of all Americans continues to guide and inspire our work.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care