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Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Nursing Home and Home Health Care

Importance and Measures

Number of nursing home residents (1999)...................................................................... 1,600,00044
Number of home health patients (2000).......................................................................... 1,460,00045
Discharges from nursing homes (1998-1999).................................................................. 2,500,00044
Discharges from home health agencies (2000)................................................................ 7,800,00045
Total cost of nursing home services (2003)............................................................. =$110.8 billion46
Total cost of home health services (2003)...................................................................... $40 billion46

The NHQR tracks 14 measures of nursing home care for both postacute and chronic care residents and 12 measures for home health care that reflect improvement or deterioration during the course of care. Two core report measures in nursing home care and two core report measures in home health care are highlighted in this section:

  • Use of restraints among chronic care nursing home residents
  • Presence of pressure ulcers among nursing home residents
  • Improvement in ambulation in home health episodes
  • Acute care hospitalization of home health patients

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Management: Use of Restraints Among Chronic Care Nursing Home Residents Management: Hospital Admissions for Pediatric Asthma


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care