EXTRACT is a general purpose MS-DOS-based data display and extraction tool
that works with a number of archival Census Bureau CD-ROMs recorded in dBASE
format, most of which were issued prior to 1997.
If you have the 1992 Economic Census CD-ROMs or any of several
other discs, you need only install the EXTRACT software
If you have one of the CD-ROMs listed below, you will also need to the computerized
documentation ("auxiliary files") that EXTRACT requires in order to work with
these specific discs, then install them following the instructions in ....READ.TXT
files associated with each file.
EXTRACT software
Auxiliary Files:
* 1990 Census STFs and EEO files
* County and City Data Book, 1994 and 1988
* USA Counties, 1996, 1994 and 1992
* County Business Patterns, 1986 to 1997 (required for selected
years only)
* Consolidated Federal Funds Report (required for 1983-1992
disc only)
* Exports and Imports (special instructions required for
DVD users)
* 1992 Census of Agriculture (required for Disc 1c only)
user support is available by e-mail, but phone usually works better.
Call Paul Zeisset (301) 763-4151 or Bob Marske (301) 763-2547.
To perform data extractions on Census 2000 or 1997 Economic Census data, use
American FactFinder online.
EXTRACT Software
The latest version of the software is compressed inside
Once you have downloaded it, create an \EXTRACT directory on your PC, and,
with that directory as the default, run EXT15P to uncompress the software,
documentation, and tutorials. The installation process is described further in
Full documentation
is available. New users can get the best start by working through a
tutorial using the 1992 Economic Census CDs (retail trade) or a
tutorial on using 1990 Census STFs (featuring STF 1A).
Maintenance updates of the software are made from time to time, as described in
Check out our "frequently asked questions"
1990 Census STFs and EEO
Auxiliary files are available for STFs 1 and 3 and
the EEO CD-ROMs. EXTRACT does not work with the
Subject STFs (SSTFs) because they were not created in
dBase format.
To install, read STF_READ.TXT. Once installed, auxiliary files
for STFs 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 3A, 3B 3C, and 3D, plus PL 94-171 and EEO, take up 8 megs of hard disk space. The
fewer types of CDs you use, the less hard disk space is
* STFAUX.EXE Auxiliary files needed for all
STFs and EEO files (updated Jun 1994)
* STFAUX1A.EXE Additional files needed for
STF 1A (updated Aug 1993)
* STFAUX1B.EXE Additional files needed for
STF 1B (updated Sep 1993)
* STFAUX1C.EXE Additional files needed for
STF 1C (updated Aug 1993)
* STFAUX3A.EXE Additional files needed for
STF 3A (updated Feb 1994)
* STFAUX3B.EXE Additional files needed for
STF 3B (updated Sep 1993)
* STFAUX3C.EXE Additional files needed for
STF 3C (updated Aug 1993)
* STFAU3C2.EXE Optional index files for STF
3C that speed access to data for particular MAs, AIANAs
or UAs (issued May 1993)
* STFAUX_D.EXE Additional files needed for
STF 1D and STF 3D CD-ROM's. Covers both 103rd and 104th Congress CDs.
(updated Oct 1996)
* EEOAUXIL.EXE Additional files needed for the
EEO file CD-ROMs (updated Sep 1993)
* PL94AUX3.EXE Additional files needed for
the PL94-171 discs.
See also the note on creating national files.
County and City Data Book
* CCDAUX94.EXE provides auxiliary files for
the 1994 disc. To install, see CCD_READ.TXT.
* CCDBAUX.EXE provides auxiliary files for the
1988 disc. To install, see CCD_READ.TXT.
USA Counties CD-ROMs
* USA96AUX.EXE provides auxiliary files for
the 1996 disc (issued Sep 1996).
To install, see USA_READ.TXT.
* USA94AUX.EXE provides auxiliary files for
the 1994 disc. To install, see USA_READ.TXT.
* USACOAUX.EXE provides auxiliary files for
the 1992 disc. To install, see USA_READ.TXT.
County Business Patterns
EXTRACT and auxiliary files are right on the 1992-1993, 1993-1994 and
1994-1995 CD-ROMs.
The 1995-1996 CD-ROM includes an an outdated master catalog that fails to
show 1996 files. The following workaround suffices for all files except the
US summary (where the total employment is truncated): Start EXTRACT with the
command (or create a .bat file)
EXTRACT c d:\auxil c:\extract\work mstr95_6.ctg
where d: is your CD-ROM drive letter.
A more complete fix can be installed using
CBPAUX96.EXE. Installation instructions are
in CBP96_RD.TXT.
* CBPAUX92.EXE provides auxiliary files for
the 1991-92 disc. To install, see CBP92_RD.TXT.
* CBP90SUP.EXE provides auxiliary files needed
to correct catalog errors on the 1989-1990 and 1988-1989 discs. To install, see CBP90_RD.TXT.
* CBPAUXIL.EXE provides auxiliary files for
all years 1986 to 1993. To install, see CBP_READ.TXT.
See also the note on creating national files.
If EXTRACT's INSTALL utility generates an error message, follow these
installation instructions instead.
Consolidated Federal Funds
EXTRACT and auxiliary files are right on most CFFR CD-ROMs.
provides auxiliary files for the 1983-1992 disc and corrects a problem on the
1986-1995 disc.
To install, read CFFR_RD.TXT.
Foreign Trade--Imports and
EXTRACT works with data sets on CD-ROM, but not on DVD-ROM, due to a difference
in the way Windows operating systems deal with the two types of media. To continue
using EXTRACT with these data, you must copy the most of the DVD contents to
your hard disc or to a network drive and follow these instructions.
EXTRACT and auxiliary files are right on most CDs starting with December 1994
discs (exceptions: 1990-1994 Exports History disc, Mar 1996 Imports disc, 1993-1997
Imports History disc, 1994-1998 Exports History disc, December 2000 Imports
disc). EXTRACT does not work with import and export data recorded on DVD.
provides substitute auxiliary files for the 1994-1998 Exports History disc.
(Without them, 97 and 98 data are not visible.)
To install, read
provides substitute auxiliary files for monthly Imports discs issued for
November 1997 through November 1998. Without them, you cannot select detailed
data by country. (Indexes that previously sped access to data by country were
removed from the CDs starting in November 1997 to accommodate the growing size of
the detailed database.)
To install, read
provides auxiliary files for the 1993-1997 Imports History disc.
To install, read
provides auxiliary files for both monthly and historical discs with data prior
to December 1994, for the December 2000 Imports disc,
and corrections useful for subsequent discs through March 1996.
To install, read
If EXTRACT's INSTALL utility on the CD-ROM generates an error message, follow these
installation instructions instead.
Agriculture Census CD-ROMs
EXTRACT software and auxiliary files are right on
the 1992 State and County data CD-ROMs 1a through
* AG92SSUP.EXE provides supplementary files
needed to access the AG_ST_01.dbf (historical summary)
on disc 1c. To install, read AG92READ.TXT.
See also the note on creating national files.
Economic Census CD-ROMs
1992 Economic Census CD-ROM 1j is a consistent source for all of the
latest auxiliary files.
If EXTRACT's INSTALL utility generates an error message, follow these
installation instructions instead.
fixes access to all-manufacturing totals on historical geographic area series
files for 1987 on 1992 Economic Census, Volume 4, Nonemployer Statistics
* CD2BSUPL.EXE 1987 ZIP Code (Disk 2b) users
are missing manufactures totals and 2-digit summaries
for ZIP codes in part of New York, garbled on the CD.
(The file with 4-digit summaries is just fine.) You
may either install CD2BSUPL.EXE or else use the
replacement for MC87LZ2.dbf that is included on 1987
Economic Census Disc 1e. CD2BSUPL.EXE also installs a
corrected SVC87KB.dbf. To install, read CD2BREAD.TXT.
Creating national extracts from CD-ROMs with state by state
Certain CD-ROMs store information separately in
state-specific files: 1990 Census STFs, County Business
Patterns, and the 1992 Census of Agriculture. If you need
to create a national file from parts of all state files,
that can be very tedious with EXTRACT or any other
interactive software, where you have to perform the same
operation 50 times. Users with access to Visual dBase or
dBase III+, and willing to dabble with a little programming,
can adapt
allstate.prg to perform the repetitive operations for
Other CD-ROMs from which EXTRACT auxiliary files can be installed
The following CD-ROMs include auxiliary files for other discs (e.g., 1990
STFs) available as of the date of issue.
Census of Agriculture, 1992, discs 1a, 1b, 1c
County Business Patterns, 1992-1993
US Imports of Merchandise (1995 and later)
US Exports of Merchandise (1995 and later)
Consolidated Federal Funds report, 1984-1993
Certain of the most recent auxiliary files, such as for
the County and City Data Book, 1994, or USA Counties,
1994, may not be on these discs.
If EXTRACT's INSTALL utility generates an error message, follow these
installation instructions instead.
Census CD-ROMs EXTRACT does
not support
EXTRACT does not support a few Census CD-ROMs in dBASE format,
because of lack of resources to create the needed auxiliary files:
* TIGER/Census Tract Street Index
* 1990 Census Geographic Identification Code Scheme (GICS)
* 1990 Census STF 1A, 1B and 3A for Puerto Rico
* Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS)
* 1990 Special Tabulation on Aging (STP 14)
In addition, EXTRACT does not support CDs that do not use dBASE format:
* Statistical Abstract (Lotus 1-2-3, Adobe Acrobat and proprietary formats)
* TIGER/Line
* Landview
* 1990 Census subject report "SSTF" CD-ROMs
* 1990 County-to-County Migration
* 1990 School District Data Book
* 1990 Census Public-Use Microdata
* MICRODATA from the Current Population Survey, American Housing Survey,
Survey of Income and Program Participation, Residential Finance Survey,
and Truck Inventory and Use Survey
* Agriculture Specialty Publications (some 1-2-3, some ASCII, only one file in dBASE)
* Agriculture Atlas (Map Image Metafile format)
* 1992 Census of Governments, Finance Statistics (Preliminary)
* U.S. Exports Commodity Classifications (coding manual in proprietary format)
revised 08/21/01