BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Poland Local time: 08:32 PM

Business Service Providers

Real Estate Services

Stewart International Sp. z o.o.

Contact: Thomas Klodowski, Managing Director
Saski Point 3rd Floor
111 Marszalkowska
00-102 Warsaw Poland
Phone: 48 22 528 5070
Fax: 48 22 528 5070

Areas of expertise: Stewart is a global provider of Real Estate Title
Guaranty, Escrow Settlement and Related Real Estate Services. Stewart is
able to provide Title Surety on real estate acquisitions and assist in the
process of ensuring clear title on the purchase of real estate through the
escrow closing. Stewart is able to issue Title Guaranty in Poland and
Central Europe. All transctions are backed by the full resources of Stewart
Title Guaranty (NYSE STC). Stewart is rated by Standard & Poors, Moody's,
Fitch and LACE.