Table 84a: Low risk long stay nursing home residents who lose control of their bowels or bladder, by race, United States, 2003

  Total White Black API AI/AN Hispanic
Population group Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total 42.2% 0.1% 42.7% 0.1% 40.5% 0.2% 39.9% 0.5% 36.9% 0.8% 37.8% 0.3%
    0 - 30 34.4% 1.0% 36.3% 1.4% 33.7% 1.8% 23.5% 4.7% 40.9% 10.5% 30.4% 2.7%
    31 - 64 29.5% 0.2% 30.3% 0.2% 28.9% 0.3% 25.7% 1.2% 27.1% 1.5% 25.3% 0.6%
    65 - 74 39.3% 0.2% 39.4% 0.2% 40.0% 0.4% 41.8% 1.5% 34.6% 1.8% 35.6% 0.7%
    75 - 84 44.9% 0.1% 45.0% 0.1% 45.5% 0.3% 44.1% 1.0% 41.5% 1.5% 41.9% 0.6%
    85 and over 45.0% 0.1% 44.8% 0.1% 48.0% 0.3% 42.4% 0.9% 41.8% 1.6% 45.8% 0.6%
    Female 43.5% 0.1% 43.6% 0.1% 44.0% 0.2% 41.0% 0.7% 38.9% 1.1% 40.9% 0.4%
    Male 39.2% 0.1% 40.5% 0.1% 35.6% 0.3% 38.0% 0.9% 34.0% 1.2% 34.1% 0.4%

Key: API: Asian or Pacific Islander; AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; SE: Standard error

Note: The population categories used in this table are as reported from the source of the data (see below).

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Nursing Home Resident Profile Table.

Table 85a Table 83a

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