Table 78d: Ethnicity, Foreign Born - Tuberculosis patients who complete a curative course of treatment within 12 months of initiation of treatment, by ethnicity (foreign born only), United States, 2000

  All persons Hispanic* All races** White Black
Population group Percent complete Number*** Percent complete Number*** Percent complete Number*** Percent complete Number*** Percent complete Number***
Total 79.1 5,467 79.0 1,947 79.2 3,520 81.5 396 79.3 764
    0-17 86.1 334 84.3 140 87.4 194 93.5†29 83.3 80
    18-44 78.9 3,037 78.4 1,196 79.2 1,841 82.0 168 78.8 517
    45-64 78.9 1,304 79.0 403 78.9 901 79.7 94 76.5 124
    65 and over 77.6 792 79.4 208 77.0 584 79.5 105 **** ****
    Female 79.6 2,267 82.6 724 78.7 1,543 79.5 163 82.3 335
    Male 78.6 3,200 77.1 1,223 79.5 1,977 82.9 233 77.2 429

*Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

**Includes persons of other single races and persons of multiple race.

***Numbers shown are for numerators only.

****Number of people eligible for this calculation was less than 50.

Note: The population categories used in this table are as reported from the source of the data (see below).

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National TB Surveillance System.

Table 79a Table 78c

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